J. Glater, S.B. McCray, and M.R. Zachariah
"The Effect of Halogens on the Performance and Durability of Reverse Osmosis Membranes"
in Synthetic Membranes, A.F. Turbak, Ed.,Vol 1, p. 171 (1981) -
J. Glater, S.B. McCray, M.R. Zachariah, and J.W. McCutchan
"Halogen Interactions with Typical Reverse Osmosis Membranes"
Proceedings of the AWWA Water Reuse Symposium II, Vol. 2, p. 1399 (1981) -
J. Glater, M.R. Zachariah, S.B. McCray, and J.W. McCutchan
"Reverse Osmosis Membrane Sensitivity to Ozone and Halogen Disinfectants"
Desalination, 48, (1983) (PDF) -
J. Glater, J.W. McCutchan, S.B. McCray and M.R. Zachariah
"The Effect of Water Pretreatment Chemicals on the Performance and Durability of Reverse Osmosis Membranes."
UCLA Report No. 831 (1983) -
M.R. Zachariah and J. Glater
"A Mechanistic Study of Halogen Interactions with Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membranes."
in Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration, S. Sourirajan, Ed. p. 345 (1985) -
M.R. Zachariah and O.I. Smith
"Sulfur Chemistry in Rich H2/O2/SO2 Flames",
Joint Canadian and Western States Section of the Combustion Institute (paper #7) Banff, Canada (1986) -
M.R. Zachariah and O.I. Smith
"Experimental and Numerical Studies of Sulfur Chemistry in H2/O2/Ar Flames",
Combustion and Flame, 69, 125 (1987) -
M.R. Zachariah , D.Chin , H.G. Semerjian and J.L. Katz
"Silica Particle Formation in Opposed Jet Diffusion Flames"
Proceedings of the Eastern States Meeting of the Combustion Institute, P. 38-1, Gaithersburg, Md (1987) -
M.R. Zachariah, D.Chin , H.G. Semerjian and J.L. Katz
"Silica Particle Formation in Opposed Jet Diffusion Flames"
Western States Section of the Combustion Institute. (paper #52), Salt Lake City , Ut (1988) -
M.R. Zachariah and H.G. Semerjian
"Simulation of Refractory Particle Formation: Comparison with In-Situ Measurements"
Proceedings of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, P. 52-1, Clearwater, Fl a (1988) -
H.G. Semerjian, M.R. Zachariah, and C. Presser
"Laser Diagnostics for Investigation of Particle Formation Processes"
MRS Volume on Process Diagnostics: Materials, Combustion and Fusion , 117, 137 (1988) -
M.R. Zachariah, D. Chin, H.G. Semerjian and J.L. Katz
Dynamic Light Scattering and Angular Dissymmetry for the In-Situ Measurement of Silicon Dioxide Particle Synthesis in Flames,
Applied Optics, 28, 531 (1989) -
M.R. Zachariah, D. Chin, H.G. Semerjian and J.L. Katz
"Silica Particle Synthesis in a Counter Flow Diffusion Flame Reactor",
Combustion and Flame 78, 287 (1989) -
M.R. Zachariah and H.G. Semerjian
" Experimental and Numerical Studies of an Aerosol Flame Reactor"
in proceedings of the Advanced Materials Institute II p. 750 (1989) -
M.R. Zachariah and H.G. Semerjian
" Experimental and Numerical Studies of Refractory Particle Formation",
J. High Temp. Sci. 28, 113 (1989) -
M.R. Zachariah and H.G. Semerjian
" Simulation of Ceramic Particle Formation: Comparison with In-Situ Measurements",
AIChE. J. 35, 2003 (1989) -
M.R. Zachariah
"Laser Diagnostic Measurements in Particle Forming Processes"
Proceedings of the AIChE 2nd Topical Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials, p. 457 (1989) -
D. Burgess Jr. and M.R. Zachariah
"Gas Phase Reactions Relevant to Chemical Vapor Deposition: Numerical Modeling",
Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 168, 31 (1990) -
M.R. Zachariah and R.G. Joklik
Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy of Silicon Atoms During Vapor Phase Synthesis of Ceramic Particles,
J. Appl. Phys. 68, 311 (1990) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah
"Modeling Ceramic Sub-Micron Particle Formation From The Vapor using Detailed Kinetics: Comparison with In-Situ Laser Diagnostics"
11th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering - Chem. Eng. Sci . 45, 2551 (1990) -
J.L. Katz, D. Chin, S. Chung, M.R. Zachariah and H.G. Semerjian
"Silica-Particle Formation Using the Counter-Flow Diffusion Flame Burner"
in Combustion and Plasma Synthesis of High-Temperature Materials, Z.A. Munir and J.B. Holt, Ed. (1990) -
M.R. Zachariah
"Laser Diagnostics During the Aerosol Processing of Ceramic Particles"
in Ceramic Powder Processing III, Gary Messing, Ed. p 283-290 (1990) -
M.R. Zachariah and P. Dimitriou
"Controlled Nucleation in Aerosol Reactors for Suppression of Agglomerate Formation",
J. Aeros. Sci . Tech. 13, 413 (1990) -
M. R. Zachariah
"Oxidation and Pyrolysis of Silane"
Proceedings of the Eastern States section of the Combustion Institute, P. 97-1, Orlando, Fl (1990) -
M.R. Zachariah
"Chemistry of Silane Oxidation and Pyrolysis During Particle Formation: Comparison with In-Situ Measurements."
Paper in Western States section of Combustion Institute, March (1991) -
M.R. Zachariah and S. Huzarewicz
"Aerosol Processing of YBaCuO Superconductors in a Flame Reactor"
J. Mat Res. 6, 264 (1991) -
M.R. Zachariah and S. Huzarewicz
"Flame Synthesis of High Tc Superconductors",
Combustion and Flame. 87, 100 (1991) -
E. Blaisten-Borojas and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Study of Cluster Growth by Cluster-Cluster Collisions
Phys . Rev. B , 45, 4403 (1992) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah
"Principles of Gas Phase Processing of Ceramics During Combustion"
Proceedings of the Second International Microgravity Combustion Workshop, p. 71, (1992) -
R.W. Davis, E.F. Moore and M.R. Zachariah
Particle Dynamics in a Rotating Disk CVD Reactor
J. Crystal Growth., 132, 513 (1993) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang
" Ab-Initio Computation of Thermochemistry and Kinetics in the Oxidation of Gas Phase Silicon Species"
in Chemical Prospectives of Microelectronics Materials III 282, 493-498 (1993) -
M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang
"Application of Ab-Initio Molecular Orbital and Reaction Rate Theories to Nucleation Kinetics".,
Aeros. Sci. Tech.. 19, 499 (1993) -
P.R. Westmoreland, D. Burgess, W. Tsang and M.R. Zachariah
"Kinetics of Fluoromethanes in Flames"
Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Princeton, N.J. (1993) -
W. Grosshandler, R. Gann, A. Hammins, M. Nyden, W. Pitts, J. Yang and M. R. Zachariah
"Agent Screening for Halon 1301 Aviation Replacement"
1993 Intl. CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, Washington D.C., October 20-22 (1993) -
M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang,
"Theoritical Prediction of Gas-Phase Nucleation Kinetics for for SiO"
in Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials Processing, Eds, T.J. Mountziaris, 334, 19-24 (1994) -
M.R. Zachariah, M. J. Carrier and E. Blaisten-Barojas,
"Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Large Silicon Cluster Growth"
in Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials Processing, MRS, Proceedings, Eds, T.J. Mountziaris, 334, 75-80 (1994) -
M.R. Zachariah, M. J. Carrier and E. Blaisten-Barojas,
"Atomistic Simulation of Vapor-Phase Nanoparticle Formation",
MRS, Proceedings Molecularly Designed Ultrafine/Nanostructured Materials , 351, 343-348, (1994) -
M.R. Zachariah
"In-Situ Characterization, and Atomistic Modeling of Nanoparticles in the Reacting Flows Group at NIST"
Proceedings of the NSF Confrence on Ultrafine Particle Engineering, P. 134, May 26-27, (1994) -
M.R. Zachariah and D. Burgess Jr.
"Strategies for Laser Excited Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurements of Gas Phase Species During Particle Formation",
J. Aeros.Sci. 25, 487 (1994) -
C. Amato-Wierda, M.R. Zachariah and D. Burgess, Jr.,
"Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)",
Proceedings of the Specialist's Workshop on Applications of Free-Jet Molecular Beam, Mass Spectrometric Sampling., (1994) -
P.R. Westmoreland, D. Burgess Jr., M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang
" Kinetics of Fluoromethanes in Flames"
25th, Symposium (International) on Combustion 1505-1511 (1994) -
D. Burgess Jr., W. Tsang, M.R. Zachariah and P.R. Westmoreland,
"Kinetics of Fluorine-Inhibited Hydrocarbon Flames",
Proceedings of the Halon Options Technical Working Confrence , 489-501, (1994) -
E. Blaisten-Barojas, L. Liu, and M.R. Zachariah,
"Molecular Dynamics Study of Growth and Coalescence of Nanometer Particles at High Temperatures"
High Performance Computing 1995 Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation". Ed. A. Tentner, Society for Computer Simulation, 228-233 (1995) -
E. Blaisten-Barojas, L. Liu, and M.R. Zachariah
"Dynamics of Nanometer SiO2 Particles and their Coalescence Charactertistics"
MRS Proceeding on Dynamics in Small Confining Systems 386, 173-178 (1995) -
B.K. McMillin and M.R. Zachariah,
2-Dimensional, Argon Metastable Density Measurement in an RF Glow Discharge by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging
J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5538 (1995) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang
Theoretical Computation of Thermochemistry, Energetics and Kinetics for High Temperature SixHyOz Reactions
J. Phys. Chem.. 99, 5308 (1995) (PDF) -
V. Bedanov, W. Tsang and M.R. Zachariah,
Master Equation Analysis of Thermal Activation Reactions: Reversible Isomerization and Decomposition
J. Phys. Chem . 99, 11452 (1995) (PDF) -
B.K. McMillin and M.R. Zachariah,
"2-D Imaging of CF2 Density by Laser-Induced Fluorescence of CF4 Etching Plasmas in the GEC rf Reference Cell"
12'th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Vol 1, 539-544 (1995) -
M.R. Zachariah, M. Aquino-Class, R.D. Shull and E. Steel,
Formation of Superparamagnetic Nanocomposites from Vapor Phase Condensation in a Flame
Nanostructured Materials 5, 383 (1995) (PDF) -
C. Amato-Wierda, M.R. Zachariah and D. Burgess, Jr.,
"Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of the Thermal Decomposition of Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) in a Flow Reactor Coupled to a Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer"
Proceeding of the Electrochemical Society May 1995 -
M.R. Zachariah, W. Tsang, P.R. Westmoreland and D. Burgess, Jr.,
"Theoretical Predication of Thermochemistry and Kinetics of Reactions of CF2O with Hydrogen Atom and Water"
J. Phys. Chem..99, 12512 (1995) (PDF) -
M.D. Allendorf, C.F. Melius, P. Ho and M.R. Zachariah
"Theoretical Study of the Thermochemistry of the Si-O-H System"
J. Phys. Chem. 99, 15285 (1995) (PDF) -
R.J. Berry, D. Burgess, Jr, M.R. Nyden, M.R. Zachariah and M. Schwartz,
"Halon Thermochemistry: Ab Initio Calculations of the Enthalpies of Formation of Fluoromethanes"
J. Phys. Chem. 99, 17145 (1995) (PDF) -
D. Burgess Jr., M.R. Zachariah, W. Tsang, and P.R. Westmoreland,
"Key Species and Important Reactions in Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Flame Chemistry"
in ACS Volume 611 on Halon Replacements: Technology and Science, Chapter 25 322-340 (1995) -
M.R. Zachariah, P.R. Westmoreland, D. Burgess, Jr.
"Theoretical Prediction of Thermochemistry and Kinetics of Halocarbons"
ACS Volume 611 on Halon Replacements: Technology and Science , Chapter 27 358-373 (1995) -
R.J. Berry, D. Burgess, Jr, M.R. Nyden, M.R. Zachariah, C.F. Melius and M. Schwartz,
"Halon Thermochemistry: Calculated Enthalpies of Formation of Chlorofluoromethanes"
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 7405 (1996) (PDF) -
W. Tsang, V. Bedanov and M.R. Zachariah,
"Master Equation Analysis of Thermal Activation Reactions: Energy Transfer Constraints on Fall-Off Behavior in the Decomposition of Reactive Intermediates with Low Thresholds"
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 4011 (1996) (PDF) -
B.K. McMillin and M.R. Zachariah,
"2-D, Argon Metastable Density Measurement in an RF Glow Discharge by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging: Effect of Cl2, O2 and CF4"
J. Appl. Phys. 79, 77 (1996) (PDF) -
D. Burgess Jr., W. Tsang, M.R. Zachariah and P.R. Westmoreland
"Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Flame Supression Chemistry"
ACS Symposium on Fuel Chemistry (1995) -
D. Burgess Jr., M.R. Zachariah, W. Tsang and P.R. Westmoreland,
"Thermochemical and Chemical Kinetic Data for Fluorinated Hydrocarbons"
Prog. Energ. Comb. Sci., 21, 453-529 (1996) (PDF) -
B. K. McMillin, P. Biswas and M.R. Zachariah,
" In Situ Characterization of Vapor Phase Growth of Iron Oxide-Silica Nanocomposite; Part I: 2-D Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Mie Imaging"
J. Mat. Res. 11, 1552-1561 (1996) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah, P.R. Westmoreland, D. Burgess, Jr, W and C.F. Melius,
"Thermochemical Data for C1 and C2 Hydrofluorocarbons and Oxidized Hydrofluorocarbons: BAC-MP4 ab-Initio Predictions of Stable and Radical Species"
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 8737-8747 (1996) (PDF) -
K. Steffens, M.R. Zachariah, D. DuFaux and R. Axelbaum,
"Optical Studies of a Novel Sodium Flame Process for Synthesis of Fine Particles"
MRS Proceedings on Metastable Metals-Based Phases and Microsctructures inpress -
M.R. Zachariah, R.D. Shull, B.K. McMillin and P. Biswas,
"In-Situ Characterization and Modeling of the Vapor Phase Growth of a Superparamagnetic Nanocomposite"
Nanotechnology, Vol. 622, Chapter 3, Pg. 42-63 (1996) -
B.K. McMillin and M.R. Zachariah,
"2-D Images of CF2 Density in CF4/Ar Plasmas by Laser-Induced Fluorescence in a GEC Reference Cell"
Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions :Images in Plasma Science, 24, 113 (1996) (PDF) -
R.W. Davis, E.F. Moore, M.R. Zachariah and D. Burgess, Jr.,
"Numerical Modeling of Particle Contaminants in CVD Reactors"
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Ed. T. Besmann, 113-119 (1996) -
M.R. Zachariah, M.J. Carrier and W. Tsang,
"Particle Nucleation and Growth: A Molecular View"
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Ed. T. Besmann Pg. 1-9 (1996) -
M.R. Zachariah and B.K. McMillin,
"Two-Dimensional Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging in Low Pressure Plasmas"
Solid State Technology 39, 147 (1996) -
K. Steffens, M.R. Zachariah, D. DuFaux and R. Axelbaum,
"Optical and Modeling Studies of Sodium/Halide Reactions for the Formation of Titanium and Boron Nanoparticles"
Chemistry of Materials, 8, 1871-1880 (1996) (PDF) -
M.R. Zachariah, M.J. Carrier and E. Blaisten-Barojas,
" Molecular Dynamics Calculation of the Properties of Silicon Nanoparticles"
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 14856-14864 (1996) (PDF) -
Turner, S. Bonevich, J E. Maslar, J E. Aquino, M I. Zachariah, M R.
Transmission electron microscopy and electron holography of nanophase TiO2 generated in a flame burner systemâ€;
Nanophase and Nanocomposite Materials II Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. v457 p. 93-98 (1997) -
M.R. Zachariah
" Understanding and Controlling Particle Growth"
Proceedings of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute 36-47 (1996) -
Berry RJ, Ehlers CJ, Burgess DR, Zachariah MR, Marshall P
"A computational study of the reactions of atomic hydrogen with fluoromethanes: Kinetics and product channels"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 269: 107-116 (1997) (PDF) -
P. Biswas, C.Y. Wu , M.R. Zachariah, and B.K. McMillen,
"In Situ Characterization of Vapor Phase Growth of Iron Oxide-Silica Nanocomposite; Part II: Comparison of a Discrete- Sectional Model Predictions to Experimental Data"
J. Mat. Res. 12, 714 (1997) (PDF) -
B.K. McMillin and M.R. Zachariah,
"Two-Dimensional Imaging of CF2 Density by Laser Induced Fluorescence in CF4 Etching Plasmas in the Gaseous Electronics Conference Cell"
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 15, 230 (1997) (PDF) -
W. Tsang, V. Bedanov and M.R. Zachariah,
"Unimolecular Decomposition of Large Organic Radicals with Low Reaction Thresholds: Decomposition and Reversible Isomerization of N-Pentyl Radicals"
Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft 101, 491 (1997) -
M.R. Zachariah and C.F. Melius
"Theoretical Calculation of the Thermochemistry of Molecules in the Si-P-H System"
J. Phys. Chem. 101, 913 (1997) (PDF) -
D. DuFaux and M.R. Zachariah
"Aerosol Mineralization of Fluorocarbons (CFC) by Sodium Vapor Reduction"
Env. Sci. Tech., 31, 2223 (1997) (PDF) -
P. Biswas and M.R. Zachariah
"In Situ Immobilization of Lead Species in Combustion Environments by Injection of Gas Phase Silica Sorbent Precursors"
Env. Sci. Tech., 31, 2455 (1997) (PDF) -
O. Sanogo and M.R. Zachariah
"Kinetic Studies of the Reaction of Tetraethoxysilane with Oxygen Atoms"
J. Electrochem. Soc.., 144, 2919 (1997) -
R.W. Davis, E.F. Moore, D.R. Burgess, Jr.; M.R. Zachariah
"Microcontamination model for rotating disk chemical vapor deposition reactors."
AIP Conf. Proc. 449(Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology), 918-922.(1998) -
Berry RJ, Ehlers CJ, Burgess DR, Zachariah MR, Nyden MR, Schwartz M
"Halon thermochemistry: ab initio calculations of the enthalpies of formation of fluoroethanes"
THEOCHEM-J. Mol.. Str. 422: 89-98 (1998) -
G.T. Linteris, D. Burgess, V. Babushok, M.R. Zachariah, P.R. Westmoreland and W. Tsang,
" Inhibition of Premixed Methane-Air Flames by Floroethanes and Fluoropropanes"
Combustion and Flame 113, 164 (1998) (PDF) -
S.H. Ehrman, S.K. Friedlander and M.R. Zachariah
"Characterization of SiO2/TiO2 Nanocomposite Aerosol in a Premixed Flame"
J. Aerosol Science 29, 687 (1998) (PDF) -
P. Biswas, G. Yang and M.R. Zachariah
In-Situ Processing of Ferroelectric Materials from Lead Streams by Injection of Gas-Phase Titanium Precursors
Combustion Science and Technology 134, 183 (1998) -
M.R. Zachariah and C.F. Melius
" Bond_additivity Correction of Ab-Initio Computations for Accurate Prediction of Thermochemistry"
Computational Chemistry Pg. 162-175 Editors: Irikura and Furip (1998) -
J.H. Hendricks, M.I. Aquino, J. Maslar, and M.R. Zachariah
"Metal and Ceramic Thin Film Growth by Reaction of Alkali Metal with Metal Halides: A New Route for Low Temperature CVD"
Chemistry of Materials 10, 2221 (1998) (PDF) -
V. Babashuk, W. Tsang, D. Burgess, and M.R. Zachariah
"Numerical Study of Low and High Temperature Silane Combustion"
27'th International Symposium on Combustion,. p 2431-2439, 1998 -
V. Babashuk, W. Tsang, and M.R. Zachariah
"Inhibiting Silane Pyrophoricity wirth Iodine Additivites"
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Environmental Issues With Materials and Processes for the Electronics and Semiconductor Industries at the 193'rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 63-74 (1998) -
S.H.Ehrman, M.I. Aquino-Class and M.R. Zachariah
Effect of temperature and vapor-phase encapsulation on particle growth and morphology
J. Materials Research 14: (4) 1664-1671 (1999) -
J.H. Hendricks, M. I . Aquino and M.R. Zachariah
"Thin Film Growth of Titanium and Titanium Nitride Via Gas Phase Reaction of Sodium Vapor with Titanium Tetrachloride"
Fundamental Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistryof Vapor-Phase Materials Synthesis, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series Eds: M. D. Allendorf, M. R. Zachariah, L. Mountziaris, and A. H. McDaniel, (Pennington, NJ), Vol. 98-23, 413 (1999) -
S.H. Ehrman, S.K. Friedlander and M.R. Zachariah,
"Phase Segregation in Binary SiO2/TiO2 SiO2/Fe2O3 Aerosols Formed in a Premixed Flame"
J. Mater. Res. 14, 4551 (1999) -
M.R. Zachariah and M.J. Carrier
Molecular Dynamics Compution of Nanoparticle Sintering: Comparison with Phenomenological Models
J. Aerosol Science 30(9) 1139-1151 (1999) -
J.H. Hendricks, M. I . Aquino and M.R. Zachariah
"New low temperature chemical vapor deposition technique for growing thin films of Ti, TiN on copper and TiO2, TixSiy on silicon"
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. v 555. p 203-208, (1999) -
S-M. Suh, M.R. Zachariah and S.L. Girshick
Modeling Particle Formation During Low Pressure Silane Oxidation: Detailed Chemical Kinetics and Aerosol Dynamics
J. Vac. Sci. & Tech A. 19, 940-951 (2001) -
H. Struchtrup, M. Luskin and M.R. Zachariah
"A Model for Kinetically Controlled Internal Phase Segregration During Aerosol Coagulation"
J. Aerosol Science 32, 1479 ( 2001) -
K.E.J. Lehtinen and M.R. Zachariah
"Effect of Coalescence Energy Release on the Temporal Shape Evolution of Nanoparticles"
Physical Review B. 63, 205402 ( 2001) -
Y. Efendiev and M.R. Zachariah
A Model for Two-Component Aerosol Coagulation and Phase Separation: A Method for Changing the Growth Rate of Nanoparticles
Chemical Engineering Science. 56, 5763 ( 2001) -
S-M. Suh, S. L. Girshick, U. Kortshagen, and M. R. Zachariah
"Modeling Gas-Phase Nucleation in Inductively-Coupled Silane-Oxygen Plasmas"
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry ( ISPC15) -
S. Garrick, M. R. Zachariah and K. Lehtinen
Modeling and Simulation of Nanoparticle Coagulation in a High Reynolds Number Incompressible Flows
Proceeding of the National Conference of the Combustion Institute, March 25-27, Oakland Ca (2001) -
S-M. Suh, S. L. Girshick, and M. R. Zachariah
"Kinetic Modeling of Particle Formation During Low-Pressure Silane Oxidation and CVD"
Fundamental Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistryof Vapor-Phase Materials Synthesis, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series 468-480 (2001) -
R. Mahadevan, H. Sakurai and M. R. Zachariah
"Measurement of Solid-State Reaction Kinetics in the Aerosol Phase Using Single-Particle Mass-Spectrometry"
10'th Nisshin Engineering Particle Technology Symposium, 10, 52-68 ( 2001) -
K.E. Lehtinen and M. R. Zachariah
Self Preserving Theory for the Volume Distribution of Aerosols Undergoing Brownian Coagulation
J. Colloid and Interface Science 242, 314 ( 2001) -
K.E. Lehtinen and M. R. Zachariah
Energy Accumulation During Coalescence and Coagulation of Nanoparticles
J. Aerosol Science 33(2), 357-368. (2002) -
K. Higgins, H. Jung, D.B. Kittelson, J.T. Roberts, and M.R. Zachariah
"Size-Selected Nanoparticle Chemistry: Kinetics of Soot Oxidation"
J. Physical Chemistry A. 106(1), 96-103 (2002) ( -
T. Kim, S.M. Suh, S. Girshick, M.R. Zachariah, P. McMurry, R. Rassel, Z. Chen and S. Campbell
"Particle Formation during Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition from Silane and Oxygen: Measurement, Modeling , and Film Properties."
J. Vac. Sci. & Tech A. 20(2), 413-423 (2002) -
Y. Efendiev, H. Struchtrup, M. Luskin and M.R. Zachariah
"A Hybrid Sectional/Moment Model For Coagulation and Phase Segregration in Binary Liquid Nanodropletsâ€.
J. Nanoparticle Research 4, 61-72 (2002) -
Y. Efendiev and M.R. Zachariah
Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation of Aerosol Coagulation and Phase Segregation
J. Colloid and Interface Science 249(1), 30-43 (2002) -
I.V. Schweigert, K.E. Lehtinen, M.J. Carrier, and M. R. Zachariah
Structure and Properties of Silica NanoClusters at High Temperatures
Physical Review B 5(23), 235410/1-235410/9 (2002) -
S-M Suh, M.R. Zachariah and S.L. Girshick
"Numerical Modeling of Silicon Oxide Particle Formation and Transport in a One-Dimensional Low-Pressure Chemial Vapor Deposition Reactor"
J.Aerosol Science 33, 943-959 ( 2002) -
K.E. Lehtinen and M. R. Zachariah
"Control of Primary Particle Size and the Onset of Aggregate Formation: The Effect of Energy Release in Nanoparticle Collision and Coalescence Processes"
MRS symposium proceedings on "Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Materials Behavior and Evolution" 731, 163, (2002) -
S-H. Kim, B. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Synthesis of Nanoporous Metal Oxide Particles by a New Inorganic Filler Spray Pyrolysis Method.
Chemistry of Materials 4(7), 2889-2899 (2002) -
H. Aichlmayr, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
Minature Free-Piston Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine-Compressor Concept- Part 1: Performance Estimation and Design Considerations Unique to Small Dimensions
Chem Eng. Sci. 57, 4161 ( 2002) -
H. Aichlmayr, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
Minature Free-Piston Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine-Compressor Concept- Part 2: Modeling HCCI Combustion at Small Scales with Detailed Homogeneous Gas Phase Chemical Kinetics
Chem Eng. Sci. 57, 4173 (2002) -
S. Modem, S.C. Garrick, M.R. Zachariah and K.E.J. Lehtinen
Direct Numerical Simulation of Nanoparticle Coagulation in a Temporal Mixing Layer.
International Symposium on Combustion 29: 1071-1077 Part 1 (2003) -
Y. Efendiev and M.R. Zachariah
Hierarchical Hybrid Monte-Carlo Methods for Simulation of Two-Component Aerosol Nucleation, Coagulation and Phase Segregation.
J. Aerosol Science 34, 169 (2003) -
R. Mahadevan, D. Lee, H. Sakurai and M.R. Zachariah
Measurement of Condensed Phase Reaction Kinetics in the Aerosol Phase Using Single-Particle Mass-Spectrometry
J. Physical Chemistry A. 106, 11083 (2002) -
F. Liao, S. Park, M.R. Zachariah and S.L. Girshick
High Deposition of Silicon Carbide from a Thermal Plasma
Materials Science Letters 57, 1982-1986 ( 2003) -
S-M Suh, S.L. Girshick and M.R. Zachariah
"The Role of Total Pressure on Gas Phase Nucleation: A Diffusion Effect"
J. Chemical Physics 118, 736, (2003) -
S-M Suh, S.L. Girshick, U. Kortsaghen and M.R. Zachariah
"Modeling Gas-Phase Nucleation in Inductively-Coupled Silane-Oxygen Plasmas"
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 21, 251 (2003) -
H. Jung, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
The Influence of Engine Lubricating Oil on Diesel Nanoparticle Emissions and Kinetics of Oxidation
SPIE 1802, 217-226 (2003) -
K. Higgins, H. Jung, D.B. Kittelson, J.T. Roberts, and M.R. Zachariah
Kinetics of Diesel Nanoparticle Oxidation
Environmental Science and Technology, 39(9), 1949-1954 ( 2003) -
A. Prakash, A. Bapat, and M.R. Zachariah
A Simple Numerical Algorithm and Software for Solution of Nucleation, Surface Growth and Coagulation Problems
Aerosol Science and Technology 37, 892 ( 2003). DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE -
H. Aichlmayr, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
Micro-HCCI Combustion: Experimental Characterization and Development of Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model with Coupled Piston Motion
Combustion and Flame 135, 227 (2003) (PDF) -
D. Mukherjee, C. G. Sonwane and M. R. Zachariah
Kinetic Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Effect of Coalescence Energy Release on the Size and Shape Evolution of NanoParticles Grown as an Aerosol.
J. Chemical Physics, 119, 3391 (2003) -
S.K.Friedlander, M.R. Zachariah, G Mulholland, CM. Sorensen, R. Turco,
"Fundamentals of nanoparticle aerosol formation."
J. Nanoparticle Res., 6 (2-3): 316 (2004) -
H. Jung, D.B. Kittelson, and M.R. Zachariah
Kinetics and Visualization of Soot Oxidation Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Comb & Flame 136, 445 ( 2004) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Study of Particle-Particle Collisions between Hydrogen Surface Passivated Silicon Nanoparticles
Physical Review B. 69, 35417 (2004) -
S. H. Kim , B. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Ultra High Surface Area Silica Particles
Langmuir 20, 2523 ( 2004) -
A. Prakash, A. McCormick and M.R. Zachariah
Aero-Sol-Gel Formation of Nanoporous Iron Oxide: A Potential Oxidizer for NanoEnergetic Materials
Chemistry of Materials 16, 1466 (2004) -
S. Park, F. Liao, J. Larson, S.L. Girshick, and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry System for Characterization of Thermal Plasma Vapor Deposition
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 24, 353 ( 2004) -
S. H. Kim , and M.R. Zachariah
Enhancing the Rate of Energy Release from NanoEnerg_etic Materials by Electrostatically Enhanced Assembly
Advanced Materials 16, 1821 ( 2004) -
D. Lee, A. Miller, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
Single-Particle MAs Spectrometry of Metal-Bearing Diesel Nanoparticles
Nanotechnology and the Environment ACS Symposium Series Vol 890, P142 (2004) -
K. Park, D.H. Kittelson, M.R. Zachariah and P.H. McMurry
Measurement of Inherent Material Density of Nanoparticle Agglomerates
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 6 (2): 267-272, (2004) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Internal Pressure and Surface Tension of Bare and Hydrogen Coated Silicon Nanoparticles
Journal of Chemical Physics 121(18), 9043 (2004) -
A. Rai, D. Lee, K. Park and M.R. Zachariah
Importance of Phase Change of Aluminum in the Oxidation of Aluminum NanoParticles
J. Physical Chemistry B. 108(39), 14793 (2004) -
D. Lee, R. Mehadavan, H. Sakurai and M.R. Zachariah
Characterization of NanoParticle Composition and Reactivity by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
ACS Symposium Series, Defense Application of NanoMaterials, 891, 211 ( 2005) -
S.H. Kim, B. Y.H. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Method for Measuring the Charge and Size Distribution of NanoAerosols
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 282(1), 46-57 (2005) -
F. Liao, S. L. Girshick, W. M. Mook and W. W. Gerberich and M. R. Zachariah
Superhard Nanocrystalline SiC Films
Applied Physics Letters, 86, 171913 (2005) -
A. Nienow, J. Roberts and M.R. Zachariah
Surface Chemistry of Nanometer-Sized Aerosol Particles: Reactions of Molecular Oxygen with 30 nm Soot Particles as a function of Oxygen Partial Pressure
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109(12), 5561 (2005) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Coalescence Kinetics of Bear and Hydrogen Coated Silicon NanoParticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Physical Review B., 71, 165434 ( 2005) -
A. Prakash, A. McCormick, and M.R. Zachariah
Synthesis and Reactivity of a Super-Reactive Metastable Intermolecular Composite (MIC) Formulation of Al/KMnO4
Advanced Materials, 17, 900 ( 2005) -
K. Park, D. Lee and M.R. Zachariah
Determination of the Size Distribution of Polydisperse Nanoparticles with Single Particle Mass Spectrometry: The Role of Ion Kinetic Energy
Aerosol Science and Technology, 39, 162-169 (2005) -
H. Jung, D. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
The Influence of a Cerium Additive on Ultrafine Diesel Particle Emissions and Kinetics of Oxidation
Combustion and Flame, 142, 276 ( 2005) -
K. Park, D. Lee, A. Rai, D. Mukherjee, and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved Kinetics Measurements of Aluminum NanoParticle Oxidation by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
J. Physical Chemistry B. 109, 7290 (2005) -
R. Jason Jouet, A.D. Warren, D.M. Rosenberg, V.J. Bellitto, K. Park and M.R. Zachariah
Surface Passivation of Bare Aluminum Nanoparticles Using Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids
Chemistry of Materials, 17, 2987 ( 2005) -
P. Parthangal, C. Montgomery, R. Cavicchi, S. Turner and M.R. Zachariah
Restructuring of Tungsten Thin films into Nanowires and Hollow Square Cross-Section Microducts
Journal of Materials Research, 20, 2889 (2005) -
P. Parthangal and M.R. Zachariah
Inorganic-Filler Chemical Vapor Deposition, a New Approach to Grow NanoPorous Thin Films.
Chemistry of Materials, 17(15), 3830 (2005) -
S. H. Kim, R.W. Fletcher and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding the Difference in Oxidative Properties between Flame and Diesel Soot Nanoparticles: The Role of Metals.
Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 4021 (2005) -
D-H Tsai, S. H. Kim, T. D. Corrigan, R. J. Phaneuf, and M. R. Zachariah
Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles to a Field Generating Substrate
Nanotechnology, 16, 1856 (2005) -
A. Prakash, A. McCormick, and M.R. Zachariah
Tuning the Reactivity of Energetic Nanoparticles by creation of a Core-Shell Nanostructure
NanoLetters, 5(7), 1375 (2005) -
S. H. Kim and M.R. Zachariah
In-Flight Size Classification of Carbon Nanotubes by Gas-Phase Electrophoresis
Nanotechnology, 16, 2149 (2005) -
D.G. Lee, A. Miller, K.H. Park and M.R. Zachariah
Effects of Trace Metal on Particulate Matter Formation in a Diesel Engine
Int. J. Automot. Tech. 7, 667 (2006) -
H.Jung, D.B. Kittelson, and M.R. Zachariah
Characteristics of SME Biodiesel-Fueled Diesel Particle Emissions and the Kinetics of Oxidation
Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 4949 (2006) -
Rai, A.; Zhou, L.; Prakash, A.; McCormick, A.; Zachariah, M. R..
Understanding and tuning the reactivity of nano-energetic materials.
Materials Research Society Proceedings; Multifunctional Energetic Materials, 896, 99-110, 2006 -
S.C. Garrick, K.E.J. Lehtinen and M.R. Zachariah
Nanoparticle coagulation via a Navier–Stokes/nodal methodology: Evolution of the particle field
Journal of Aerosol Science, 37, 555 (2006) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Coalescence Kinetics of Unequal Sized Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study
J. of Aerosol Science, 37, 1-15 (2006) -
D. Lee, A. Miller, D.B. Kittelson and M.R. Zachariah
Characterization of Metal-bearing Diesel Nanoparticles Using Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
J. Aerosol Science, 37, 88-110 (2006) -
K. Park, A. Rai and M.R. Zachariah
Characterizing the Size-Resolved Oxidative Stability of Carbon-Coated Aluminum Nanoparticles by Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
J. NanoParticle Research, 8, 455 ( 2006) -
D. Mukherjee, A. Prakash, and M.R. Zachariah
Implementation of a discrete nodal model to probe the effect of size-dependent surface tension on nanoparticle formation and growth
J. of Aerosol Science, 37, 1388 ( 2006) -
D. Mukherjee, A. Rai and M.R. Zachariah
Quantitative Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Aerosols via Internal Calibration: Application to the Oxidative Coating of Aluminum Nanoparticles
J. of Aerosol Science, 37, 667 (2006) -
J Grobelny, D-H Tsai, D-I Kim, N Pradeep, R F Cook and M.R. Zachariah
Mechanism of Nanoparticle Manipulation by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
Nanotechnology, 17, 5517 ( 2006) -
S.H. Kim and M.R. Zachariah
In-Flight Kinetic Measurements of the Aerosol Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by Electrical Mobility Classification
J. of Physical Chemistry, 110, 4555 (2006) -
A. Rai, K. Park, L. Zhou, and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding the Mechanism of Aluminum Nanoparticle Oxidation
Combustion Theory and Modeling, 10, 843-859 (2006) -
P. Parthangal, R. Cavicchi, and M.R. Zachariah
A Universal Approach to Electrically Connecting Nanowire Arrays Using Nanoparticles – Application to a Novel Gas Sensor Architecture
Nanotechnology, 17, 3786 ( 2006) -
L. Zhou, A. Rai and M. R. Zachariah
Component and Morphology Biases on Quantifying Size and Composition of Nanoparticles using Single-Particle Mass Spectrometry
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 258, 104-112 (2006) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoparticle Aggregate Sintering
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol 978 GG16-04 (2007) -
A. Rai, K. Park, D. Lee and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved Measurements and Theory of Aluminum Nanoparticle Oxidation
Advancements in Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, Begell House, Inc. 2007 -
Sanogo, O., and Zachariah, M. R..
Fast-flow reactor study of the thermal decomposition octamethylcyclosiloxane (D4)
Comptes Rendus Chimie 10(6), 518-523 (2007) -
A. Miller, G. Ahlstrand, D.B. Kittelson, and M.R. Zachariah
The fate of Metal (Fe) During Diesel Combustion: Morphology, Chemistry and Formation Pathways to Nanoparticles
Combustion and Flame, 149, 129-143 ( 2007) -
S.H. Kim and M.R. Zachariah
Gas-Phase Growth of Diameter Controlled Carbon Nanotubes
Materials Letters 61, 2079 (2007) -
S. Manzello, D.B. Lenhert, A. Yosgatagil, M.T. Donovan, M.R. Zachariah and W. Tsang.
Soot Particle Size Distributions in a Well Stirred Reactor/Perfectly Mixed Reactor
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31, 675-683 ( 2007) -
Z. Han, B. Yang, S.H. Kim and M.R. Zachariah
Application of Hybrid Sphere/ Carbon Nanotube in Nanofluids
Nanotechnology 18, 105701 (2007) -
P. Parthinghal, D. Cavicchi, and M.R. Zachariah
A Generic Process for Growing Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays on Metals and Metal Alloys
Nanotechnology 18,185605 (2007) -
D-H Tsai, T. Hawa, H.C Kan, R. J. Phaneuf, and M. R. Zachariah
Spatial and size-resolved electrostatic-directed deposition of nanoparticles on a field-generating substrate: theoretical and experimental analysis
Nanotechnology 18, 365201-10 (2007) -
L. Zhou, K. Park, H. Milchberg, and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding the Interaction of an Intense Laser Pulse with Nanoparticles: Application to Quantification of Single Particle Mass Spectrometry
Aerosol Science and Technology 41 818-827 (2007) -
T. Hawa and M.R Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Continuum Modeling of Straight Chain Aggregate Sintering: Development of a Phenomenological Scaling Law
Physical Review B, 76, 054109-9 (2007) -
P. Chakroborty and M.R. Zachariah
Effective Negative Surface Tension: A Property of Coated NanoAerosols Relevant to the Atmosphere
J. Physical Chemistry A. 111, 5459 (2007) -
T. Hawa and M.R Zachariah
Development of a Phenomenological Scaling Law for Fractal Aggregate Sintering from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Journal of Aerosol Science, 38, 393-806 (2007) -
S.H. Kim, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding Ion-Mobility and Transport Properties of Aerosol Nanowires
Journal of Aerosol Science, 38, 823-842 (2007) -
L.Pease, D-H. Tsai, R. Zangmeister, M.R. Zachariah and M.J. Tarlov
Quantifying the Surface Coverage of Conjugate Molecules on Functionalized Nanoparticles
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 5459 (2007) -
T. Hawa, B. Henz and M.R. Zachariah
Computer Simulation of Nanoparticle Aggregate Fracture
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol 1056 HH08-45 ( 2008) -
S.-H. Guo, S.-J. Tsai, H.-C. Kan, D.-H. Tsai , M. R. Zachariah, and R. J. Phaneuf
The Effect of an Active Substrate on Nanoparticle-Enhanced Fluorescence
Advanced Materials 20, 1424 ( 2008) -
N. Pradeep, D.-I Kim, J. Grobelny, T. Hawa, B. Henz and M.R. Zachariah
Ductility at the nanoscale: Deformation and Fracture of Adhesive Contacts Using Atomic Force Microscopy
Applied Physics Letters 91, 203114 ( 2007) -
Lute, Scott; Riordan, William; Pease, Leonard F., III; Tsai, De-hao; Levy, Richard; Haque, Mohammed; Martin, Jerold; Moroe, Ichiro; Sato, Terry; Morgan, Michael; Krishnan, Mani; Campbell, Jennifer; Genest, Paul; Dolan, Sherri; Tarrach, Klaus; Meyer, Anika; Zachariah, Michael R.; Tarlov, Michael J.; Etzel, Mark; Brorson, Kurt.
A consensus rating method for small virus-retentive filters. I. Method development
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 62(5), 318-333. (2008) -
A. Yozgatligal, M.R. Zachariah
Measurement of Soot Surface Growth Kinetics
Combustion Science and Technology, 180, 941 ( 2008) -
D. Lee, K-S. Lee, S-W. Cho, L. Zhou, A. Miller, K. Park, and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding nanoscale phenomena using single particle mass spectrometry and improvement of its performance - A review
Chemical Physics Research Journal 2(1/2), 61-96, (2008) -
B. Henz, T. Hawa, and M.R. Zachariah
Mechano-Chemical Stability of Gold Nanoparticles Coated with Alkanethiolate SAM’s
Langmuir 24, 773-783 (2008) -
G. Young. K. Sullivan, M.R. Zachariah and K. Yu
Combustion Characteristics of Boron Nanoparticles
AIAA-2008-942 (2008) -
P. Chakroborty and M.R. Zachariah
Sticking Coefficient and Processing of Water Vapor on Organic Coated NanoAerosols
J. Physical Chemistry A. 112, 966-972 (2008) -
D-H Tsai, L. Pease, R. Zangmeister, M. J., Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Gas Phase Ion-Mobility of SAM Functionalized Au NanoParticles
Langmuir 24(16) 8493-8490 ( 2008) -
L. Pease, J. Elliott, D-H Tsai, M.R. Zachariah and M. J. Tarlov
Determination of Protein Aggregation with Differential Mobility Analysis: Application to IgG Antibody
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 101, 1214 ( 2008) -
T. Hawa and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding the Effect of Hydrogen Surface Passivation and Etching on the Shape of Silicon Nanocrystals
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112(38) 14796-14800 (2008) -
L Zhou, A. Rai, N. Piekiel, X. Ma, and M.R. Zachariah
Ion-Mobility Spectrometry of Nickel Nanoparticle Oxidation Kinetics: Application to Energetic Materials
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112, 16209 (2008) -
A. A. Lall and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved Soot Oxidation Kinetics
Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles, ED. Bochorn, Scientific Publishing, p. 537-568, (2009) -
L. Zhou, X. Ma and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved Measurements of the Reactivity of Metal Nanoparticles.
AIAA -356 ( 2009) -
L. Zhou, N. Piekiel, S. Chowdhury and M.R Zachariah
T-Jump/Time of Flight Mas Spectrometry for Time Resolved Analysis of Fast Condensed State Reactions
AIAA-639 ( 2009) -
L. Pease, D. Lipin, L. Lua, M.J. Tarlov, M.R. Zachariah, A. Middelburg
Quantitative Characterization of Virus-like Particles by Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation, Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis, and Transmission Electron Microscopy
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 102, 845 (2009) -
D. Firmansyah, T. Kim, S. Kim, K. Sullivan, M. R. Zachariah and D. Lee
Crystalline phase reduction of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanoparticles accompanied by a morphology change during ethanol-assisted spray pyrolysis
Langmuir 25, 7063 (2009) -
D-H Tsai, L. Pease, R. Zangmeister, M. J., Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Aggregation Kinetics of Colloidal Particles Measured by Gas-Phase Differential Mobility Analysis
Langmuir 25, 140 ( 2009) -
K.Sullivan, G. Young, and M.R. Zachariah
Enhanced Reactivity of Nano-B/Al/CuO MIC's
Combustion and Flame 156, 302 (2009) -
G. Young, K. Sulivan , M.R. Zachariah, K.Yu
Combustion Characteristics of Boron Nanoparticles
Combustion and Flame 156, 322 (2009) -
L Zhou, N. Piekiel, S. Chowdhury, and M.R. Zachariah
T-Jump/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Time Resolved Analysis of Energetic Materials
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23, 194 ( 2009) -
S-H. Kim, G.W. Mulholland, and M.R. Zachariah
Density Measurement of Size Selected Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Mobility-Mass Characterization
Carbon 47, 1297 (2009) -
A.A Lall, X. Ma, S. Guha, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Online Nanoparticle Mass Measurement by Combined Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer and Differential Mobility Analyzer: Comparison of Theory and Measurements
Aerosol Science and Technology, 43, 1075 (2009) -
B. Henz, T. Hawa, and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Kinetic Reaction between Ni and Al Nanoparticles
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 124310 (2009) -
X. Ma and M.R. Zachariah
Oxidation Anisotropy and Size Dependent Reaction Kinetics of Zinc Nanocrystals
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113, 14644 (2009) -
L. Pease, D-H Tsai., J.A. Fagan., B.J., Bauer, R.A Zangmeister, M.J. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Length Distributions of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Suspensions Measured
by Electrospray-Differential Mobility Analysis Small 24, 2894 (2009) -
L. Zhou, N. Piekiel, S. Chowdhury, D. Lee and M. R. Zachariah
Transient ion ejection during nanocomposite thermite reactions
Journal of Applied Physics 106, 083306 (2009) -
G. Young, N. Piekiel, S. Chowdhury, and M. R. Zachariah
Ignition Behavior of a-Alane
Combustion Science and Technology, 182, 1341, (2010) -
B. Henz, T. Hawa, and M.R. Zachariah
On the Role of Built-in Electric Fields on the Ignition of Oxide Coated NanoAluminum: Ion mobility versus Fickian Diffusion.
Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 024901 (2010) -
K. Sullivan and M.R. Zachariah
Simultaneous Pressure and Optical Measurements of Nanoaluminum Thermites: Investigating the Reaction Mechanism
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 26, 467 (2010) -
C. Wu, T-J. Cho, J. Xu, D.G. Lee, B. Yang and M.R. Zachariah
Effect of nanoparticle clustering on the effective thermal conductivity of concentrated silica colloids
Physical Review E. 81, 011406 (2010). -
C. Wu, D.G. Lee, and M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol-Based Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles into Solid or Hollow Mesospheres
Langmuir 26, 4327 (2010) -
S. Kim; K-S Lee; M. R Zachariah and D.G. Lee
Three dimensional off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations: On a direct relation between experimental process parameters and fractal dimension of colloidal aggregates
J. Colloid. Interface. Sci. 344, 353 (2010) -
L. Pease, D. Tsai, J. Hertz, R. Zangmeister, M. Tarlov, and M.R. Zachariah
Packing and Size Determination of Colloidal Nanoclusters
Langmuir 26, 11384 (2010) -
D-H. Tsai, F. DelRio, R. MacCuspie, T.J. Cho, M.R. Zachariah, V. Hackley
Competitive Adsorption of Thiolated Polyethylene Glycol and Mercaptopropionic acid on Gold Nanoparticles Measured by Physical Characterization Methods
Langmuir 26, 10325 (2010) -
X. Ma and M.R. Zachariah
Size-Resolved Kinetics of Zn Nanocrystal Hydrolysis for Hydrogen Generation
Int. Journal. of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 2268 (2010) -
S. Chowdhury, K. Sullivan, N. Piekiel, L. Zhou and M. R. Zachariah
Diffusive vs. Explosive Reaction at the Nanoscale
J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 9191 (2010) -
S-H. Kim , C. Wang and M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol Formation of Sea-Urchin-Like Nanostructures of Carbon Nanotubes on Bimetallic Nanocomposite Particles.
J. Nanoparticle Research (2010) -
X. Ma, A. A. Lall, N. Aronhime and M. R. Zachariah
Catalytic Decomposition of Liquid Hydrocarbons in an Aerosol Reactor: A Potential Solar Route to Hydrogen Production
Int. Journal. of Hydrogen Energy 35, 7476 (2010) -
L. Zhou, N. Piekiel, S. Chowdhury, M.R. Zachariah,
Time Resolved Mass Spectrometry of the Exothermic Reaction between Nanoaluminum and Metal Oxides: The Role of Oxygen Release
J. Physical Chemistry C. 114, 14269 ( 2010) -
K. Sullivan, W-C Chiou, R. Fiore and M.R. Zachariah
In-situ microscopy of rapidly heated nano-Al and nano-composite thermites
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 133104 ( 2010) -
D. Havey, P. Bueno, K. Gillis, J. Hodges, G. Mulholland, R. Van Zee, and M.R. Zachariah
Photoacoustic Spectrometer with a Calculable Cell Constant for Measurements of Gases and Aerosols
Analytical Chemistry 82, 7935 (2010) -
D. Kaplowitz, J. Jouet and M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol Synthesis and Reactive Behavior of Faceted Aluminum Nanocrystals
J. of Crystal Growth, 312, 3625 (2010) -
L. Pease, M. Sorci, S. Guha, D-H Tsai, M. R. Zachariah, M.J. Tarlov, G. Belfort
Probing the Nucleeus Model for Oligomer Formation during Insulin Amyloid Fibrillogenesis
Biophysical Journal 99, 3979 (2010) -
P. Parthangal, R. E. Cavicchi, D.M. Mier, A. Herzing and M.R. Zachariah
Direct Synthesis of Tin Oxide Nanotubes on Microhotplates Using Carbon Nanotubes as Templates.
Journal of Materials. Research, 26, 430, (2011) -
L.Pease, D-H Tsai, K.A. Brorson, S. Guha, M.R. Zachariah, M.J. Tarlov
Physical Characterization of Icosahedral Virus Ultra Structure Stability, and Integrity Using Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis
Analytical Chemistry 18, 1753 (2011) -
P. DeMuth, M. Hurley, C, Wu, S. Galanie, M.R. Zachariah, P Deshong.
Mesoscale Porous Silica as Drug Delivery Vehicles: Synthesis, Characterization and pH-Sensitive Release Profiles.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 141, 128 ( 2011) -
K. Sullivan, N. Pickiel, S. Chowdhury, C. Wu, C. Johnson, M.R. Zachariah
Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Nanoscale Al/AgIO3: A Potential Energetic Biocidal System
Combustion Science and Technology, 183, 205 ( 2011) -
P. Bueno, D. Havey, K. Gillis, J. Hodges, G. Mulholland R. Dickerson and M.R. Zachariah
Amplification of the optical absorption cross section of soot aerosol with a nonabsorbing coating from photoacoustic measurements
Aerosol . Sci. Tech. 45, 1217 ( 2011) -
D-H. Tsai, F. DelRio, A.M. Keene, K.M. Tyner, R.I. MacCuspie, T-J Cho, M.R. Zachariah, V. A. Hackley
Adsorption and Conformation of Serium Albumin Protein on Gold Nanoparticles Investigated Suing Dimensional Measurements and In-Situ Spectroscopic Methods
Langmuir, 27, 2464, (2011) -
M.D. Li, S. Guha, R. Zangmeister, M.J. Tarlov, and M.R. Zachariah
Quantification and Compensation of Non-Specific Analyte Aggregation in Electrospray Sampling
Aerosol Science and Technology 45, 849 ( 2011) -
D-H. Tsai, M. Davilla-Morris, F. DelRio, S. Guha, M.R. Zachariah, V. A. Hackley
Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Finite Size Nano Gold Clusters
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 133, 8884 ( 2011) -
X. Ma, P. Chakraborty and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Dicarboxylic Acid Coated Aqueous Aerosol: Structure and Processing of Water Vapor
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 9374 ( 2011) -
T.L. Barone, A. A. Lall, J. M. E. Storey, G. W. Mulholland, V. Y. Prikhodko, J. H. Frankland, J. E. Parks, M. R. Zachariah
Size-Resolved Density Measurements of Particle Emissions from an Advanced Combustion Diesel Engine: Effect of Aggregate Morphology
Energy and Fuels, , 1978 ( 2011) -
D-H. Tsai, M. Davilla-Morris, F. DelRio, S. Guha, M.R. Zachariah, V. A. Hackley
Quantitative Determination of Competitive Molecular Adsorption on Gold Nanoparticles Using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Langmuir 27, 9302 ( 2011) -
N. W. Piekiel, R. E. Cavicchi, and M. R. Zachariah
Rapid-Heating of Energetic Materials using a Micro-Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Thermochemica Acta, 521, 125 ( 2011) -
B.J. Henz and M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Energetic Nanoparticles
Simulation-Based Innovation and Discovery, Chapter 2, Pg 15-45, CECD Series (2011) -
X. Ma., A.A. Lall, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Evaporation Anisotropy of Free Nanocrystals
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 16941 ( 2011) -
X. Ma., L. Liu, N. Aronhime, and M.R. Zachariah
Ignition Catalyzed by Unsupported Metal Nanoparticles.
Energy and Fuels 25, 3925 ( 2011) -
S. Guha, J.R. Waymett, M. Li, M.J. Tarlov, M.R. Zachariah
Characterizing the Absorption of Proteins on Glass Capillary Surfaces Using Electrospray-Differential Mobility Analysis
Langmuir, 27, 13008 (2011) -
P. Chakroborty and M.R. Zachariah
On the Structure of Organic Coated Water Droplets: From Net Water Attractors to Oily Surfaces
Journal of the American Geophysical Society 116, D21205 (2011) -
S. Guha, L. Pease, K. Brorson, M.J. Tarlov, M.R. Zachariah
Evaluation of Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis for Virus Particle Analysis: Potential Applications for Biomanufacturing
Journal of Virological Methods 178, 201 ( 2011) -
M. Li, S. Guha, R. Zangmeister, M.J. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Method for Determining the Absolute umber Concentration of Nanoparticles from Electrospray Sources.
Langmuir 27, 14732 (2011) -
C. Wu, K. Sullivan, S. Chowdhury, G. Jian, L. Zhou and M. R. Zachariah
Encapsulation of Perchlorate Salts within Metal Oxides for Application as Nano-Energetic Oxidizers
Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 78 (2012) -
D-H Tsai, S .Elzey, F. W. DelRio, A.M. Keene, K.M. Tyner, J.D. Clogston, R. I. MacCuspie, S. Guha, M.R. Zachariah, V.A. Hackley
Tumor Necrosis Factor Interaction with Gold NanoParticles
Nanoscale DOI: 10.1039/c2nr30415e (2012) -
K. Sullivan, N.W., Piekiel, C. Wu., S. Chowdhury, S.T. Kelley, T.C. Hufnagel, K. Fezzaa, M.R. Zachariah
Reactive Sintering: An Important Component in the Combustion of Nanocomposite Thermites
Combustion and Flame 159, 2 (2012) FEATURED ARTICLE EDITORIAL -
Q. Liu, X. Ma, and M.R Zachariah
Combined On-Line Differential Mobility and Particle Mass Analysis for Determination of Size Resolved Particle Density and Microstructure Evolution.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 153, 210 (2012) -
L. Zhou and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved Work Function Measurement of Free Nanoparticles: Aggregates vs. Spheres
Chem. Phys. Lett. 525, 77 (2012) -
J. Guo, Q. Liu, C. Wang and M.R. Zachariah
Inter-dispersed amorphous MnOx-Carbon nanocomposites with superior electrochemical performance as lithium storage material
Advanced Functional Materials 22, 803 (2012) -
D. A. Firmansyah, K. Sullivan, K-S. Lee, Y. H. Kim, R. Zahaf, M. R. Zachariah and D. Lee
Microstructural Behaviors of Alumina Shell and Aluminum Core Before and After Melting of Aluminum Nanoparticles
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 404 (2012) -
X. Ma, M.R. Zachariah, and C. Zangmeister
Crumpled Nanopaper from Graphene Oxide
NanoLetters 12, 486 (2012) -
N.W. Piekiel and M.R. Zachariah
Decomposition of Aminotetrazole Based Energetic Materials under High Heating Rate Conditions
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116, 1519 (2012) -
S. Guha, J. Waymont, M.J. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray - Differential Mobility Analysis as an Orthogonal Tool to Size Exclusion Chromatography for Characterization of Protein Aggregates
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 101, 1985 (2012) -
S. Guha, M.J. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray - Differential Mobility Analysis of BioNanoparticles: A Review
Trends in Biotechnology 30, 291 (2012) -
S. Guha, J. Waymount, M. Li, M.J. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Protein Absorption-Desorption to Electrospray Capillary Walls: No influence on aggregate distribution.
J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 377,476 (2012) -
Q. Liu, P. DeShong, and M.R. Zachariah
One-Step Synthesis of Dye-Incorporated Porous Silica Particles
Journal of NanoParticle Research 14, 923 (2012) -
C. Zangmeister, X. Ma and M.R. Zachariah
The Restructuring of Graphene Oxide Sheets into Monodisperse NanoSpheres
Chem. Mat. 24, 2554 ( 2012) -
D-H Tsai, M.P. Shelton, F. W. DelRio, S. Elzey, S. Guha, M.R. Zachariah and V.A Hackley
Quantifying Dithiothreitol Displacement of Functional Ligands from Gold Nanoparticles
Analytical and BioAnalytical Chemistry 404, 3015 (2012) -
G. Jian, L. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Facile Aerosol Route to Hollow CuO Spheres and its Superior Performance as an Oxidizer in Nanoenergetic Gas-Generators
Advanced Functional Materials adfm.201202100 (2012) -
N. Piekiel, K. Sullivan, G. Eagan and M.R. Zachariah
Evidence for the Predominance of Condensed Phase Reaction in Chemical Looping Reactions Between Carbon and Oxygen Carriers.
J. Physical . Chem. C 116, 24496 (2012) -
M. Li, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
The Effect of Orientation on the Mobility of Charged Axially Symmetric Particles in an Electric Field
Aerosol Science and Technology 46, 1035 (2012) -
S. Guha, X. Ma, M. Tarlov and M.R. Zachariah
Quantifying Ligand Adsorption to Nanoparticles using Tandem - Differential Mobility – Mass Analysis
Analytical Chemistry 84, 6308 (2012) -
S. Yan, G. Jian and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospun NanoFiber Based Thermite Textiles and their Reaction Properties
Applied Materials and Interfaces 4, 6432 (2012) -
G. Jian, N. Piekiel, and M.R. Zachariah
Time-Resolved Mass Spectrometry of Nano-Al and Nano-Al/CuO Thermite Under Rapid Heating: A Mechanistic Study
J. Phys. Chem. C. 116, 26881 (2012) -
K. Sullivan, C. Wu. N. Piekiel, K. Gaskell and M.R. Zachariah
Synthesis and Reactivity of of Nano-Ag2O as an Oxidizer in Energetic Systems Yielding Antimicrobial Products
Combustion and Flame 160, 438-446 (2013) -
D. Kaplowitz, G. Jian, K. Gaskell, R. Jacob and M.R. Zachariah
Synthesis and Reactive Properties of Iron Oxide Coated NanoAluminum
J. Energetic Materials 32, 95 (2014) -
G. Jian, S. Chowdhury, K. Sullivan, and M.R. Zachariah
Nanothermites Reactions: Is Gas Phase Oxygen Release from the Oxygen Carrier an Essential Prerequisite to Ignition ?
Combustion and Flame 160, 432-437 (2013) -
W. Zhou, S.H. Watt, D-H. Tsai, V.T. Lee, and M.R. Zachariah
Quantitative Attachment and Detachment of Bacterial Spores from Fine Wires through Continuous and Pulsed Electrophoretic Deposition
J. Phys. Chem. B. 117, 1738 (2013) -
M.R. Zachariah
NanoEnergetics: Hype, Reality and Future
Propellents, Explosives and Pyrotechnics; EDITORIAL (2013) 38, 7 (2013) -
M. Hurley, Z, Wang, A. Mahale, D. Rubin, Q. Liu, D. English, M.R. Zachariah, P. DeShong
Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Antibody Functionalized Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles
Advanced Functional Materials DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201202699 (2013) -
Y. Xu, Q. Liu, Y. Zhu, A. Langrock, M.R. Zachariah, C. Wang
Uniform Nano-Sn-C Composite Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
NanoLetters 13, 470 (2013)
Chemical and Engineering News write-up on this work -
X.Ma, M.R .Zachariah and C. Zangmeister
Reduction of Suspended Graphene Oxide Single Sheet Nanopaper: The Effect of Crumpling
J.Phys. Chem. C 117, 3185 (2013) -
L. Zhou, R. You, J. Tan and M.R. Zachariah
Wavelength Resolved UV Photoelectric Charging Dynamics of Nanoparticles: Comparison of Spheres and Aggregates
Aerosol Science and Technology, 47, 672 (2013) -
G.W. Mulholland, L. Zhou, M.R. Zachariah, W. E. Heinson, A. Chakrabarti, C. Sorenson
Light Scattering Shape Diagnostics for Nano-Agglomerates
Aeros. Sci. Tech., 47, 520-529 (2013) -
S. Guha, M.J. Tarlov, M.R. Zachariah
Competitive adsorption-desorption of IgM monomers-dimers on silica and modified silica surfaces
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, (2013). -
X. Ma, C. Zangmesiter, and M.R. Zachariah
Soot Oxidation Kinetics: A Comparison of two Ion-Mobility Methods
J. Physical Chemistry C. 117, 10723 ( 2013) -
D. Kaplowitz, G,. Jain, K. Gaskell, A. Ponce, P. Shang, M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol Synthesis and Reactivity of Thin Oxide Shell Aluminum Nanoparticles via Fluorocarboxylic acid Functional Coatings
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.201300112 30, 881 (2013) -
G. Jian, J. Feng, R. Jacob, G. Eagan and M.R. Zachariah
Super-reactive Nanoenergetic Gas Generators based on Periodate Salts
Angewandte Cheme (2013) (Hot Article)
News releases for this paper: Nanowerk Chemistryview -
H. Wang, G. Jian, S Yan, J. Delisio, C. Huang and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray Formation of Gelled Nano-Aluminum Microspheres with Superior Reactivity with Superior Reactivity
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2013) -
M. Li, R. You, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Evaluating the Mobility of Nanorods in Electric Fields
Aerosol Sci. Tech. 47, 1101 (2013) -
L. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Enhanced performance of Alkali Metal doped Fe2O3 and Fe2O3/Al2O3 composites as oxygen carrier material in chemical looping combustion
Energy and Fuels (2013) -
J. Radney, X. MA, K. Gillis, M.R. Zachariah, J. Hodges and C. Zangmesiter
Direct Measurement of Mass_Specific Optical Cross Sections of Single-Component Aerosol Mixtures
Analytical Chemistry (2013) -
Y. Xu, G. Jian, M.R. Zachariah, C Wang
Nano-Structured Carbon-Coated CuO Hollow Spheres as Stable and High Rate Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A 1, 15486 (2013) -
J. Feng, G. Y Xu, G Jian, M Zachariah,
Passivated Iodine Pentoxide Oxidizer for Potential Biocidal Nanoenergetic Applications
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 5, 8875 (2013) -
X. Ma, C. Zangmeister, J. Gigault, G. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Soot Aggregate Restructuring During Water Processing
Journal of Aerosol Science 66, 209-219 (2013) -
D-H. Tsai, F.W. DelRio, J.M. Pettibone, P-A. Lin, J. Tan, M.R. Zachariah, , V.A. Hackley
Temperature-Programmed Electrospray-Differential Mobility Analysis for Characterization of Ligated Nanoparticles in Complex Media
Langmuir 29 11267 (2013) -
J. B. DeLisio, C. Huang, G. Jian and M. R. Zachariah
Ignition and Reaction Analysis of High Loading Nano-Al/Fluoropolymer Energetic Composite Films;
AIAA-0646 (2014) -
H. Wang, G. Jian, J. DeLisio, M.R. Zachariah
Microsphere Composites of Nano-Al and Nonothermites: An approach to Better Utilization of Nanomaterials
AIAA-0647 (2014) AIAA Best Paper Award -
R. Jacob, G. Jian, P.M. Guerieri and M.R. Zachariah
Gas vs. Condensed Phase Reactions in Nanothermites
AIAA-0816 (2014) -
G. Young, K. Sullivan, N. Piekiel, and M.R. Zachariah
The Effects of Aluminum Hydride as a Fuel Supplement on the Performance of Traditional NanoThermites
Journal of Propulsion and Power 70 (2014) -
X. Xu, G., Jian, Y. Liu, Y, Zhu, M.R. Zachariah, C. Wang
Superior Electrochemical Performance and Structure Evolution of Mesoporous Fe2O3 Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries
Nano Energy 3, 26 (2014) -
P. Chakraborty and M.R. Zachariah
Do NanoEnergetic Particles remain Nano-Sized During Combustion
Combustion and Flame 161, 148 (2014) -
M. Li, G.W Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Rotational Diffusion Coefficient (or Rotational Mobility) of a Nanorod in the Free-Molecular Regime
Aerosol Science and Technology, 48, 139 (2014) -
M. Li, R. You, G. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Development of a Pulsed-Field Differential Mobility Analyzer: A Method for Measuring Shape Parameters for Non-Spherical Particles
Aerosol Science and Technology, 48, 22 (2014) Heighlighted in the Newsletter: Particulars -
J. Radney, R. You, X. Ma., J. Conny, J. Hodges, M.R. Zachariah, C. Zangmesiter
Dependence of Soot Optical Properties on Particle Morphology: Measurements and Model Comparisons
Environ. Sci. & Tech. 48, 3169 (2014) 10.1021/es4041804 -
H. Wang, G. Jian, J. Delisio and M.R. Zachariah
Assembly and Reactive Properties Al/CuO Nanothermite Microparticles
Combustion and Flame 161, 2203 (2014) -
G. Jian, Y. Xu, Li. Lai, C. Wang and M. R. Zachariah
Mn3O4 Hollow Spheres for Lithium-ion Batteries with High Rate and Capacity
J of Materials Chemistry DOI: 10.1039/c4ta00207e 2, 4627 (2014) -
Y. Oh, R. Zahaf, M.R. Zachariah, D. Lee
Nanosecond Laser Induced Energetic Ion Formation from a Nanoparticle
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , 53 05HA10 (2014) -
G. Egan, K.T. Sullivan, T. LaGrange, B. W. Reed and M.R. Zachariah
In-Situ Imaging of the Ultra-Fast Loss of Nanostructure in NanoParticle Aggregrates
J. Applied Physics 115, 084903 (2014) -
G. Jian, L. Zhou, N. Pickiel and M.R. Zachariah
Low Effective Activation Energies for Oxygen Release from Metal Oxides: Evidence for Mass Transfer Limits at High Heating Rates
J of ChemPhysChem, 15, 1666 (2014) -
N. Piekiel, L. Zhou, K. T. Sullivan , S. Chowdhury, G. Eagan and M,.R. Zachariah
Initiation and Reaction in Al/Bi2O3 Nanothermites: Evidence for the Predominance of Condensed Phase Chemistry
Combustion Science and Technology, 186 1209 (2014) -
M. Li, G. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Understanding the Mobility of Nonspherical Particles in the Free Molecular Regime
Physical Review E., 89, 022112 (2014) -
R.You, M. Li, S. Guha, G. W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Bio-Materials as Candidate Reference Materials for Mobility Analysis of Nanoparticles
Analytical Chemistry, 86, 6836 (2014) -
C. Zangmeister, J. Radney, L.T. Dockery, J.T. Young, X. Ma, R. You and M.R. Zachariah
The Packing Density of Rigid Aggregrates is Independent of Scale
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 9037 (2014) -
M.Li, J. Tan, M. Tarlov, and M.R. Zachariah
Absolute Quantitative Method for Protein Concentration
Analytical Chemistry, 86, 12130 (2014) -
D. Tsai., T-J. Cho, F. DelRio, J Zheng, J. Tan, M.R. Zachariah and V. Hackley
Controlled Formation and Characterization of Dithiothreitol-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticle Clusters
Langmuir 30, 3397 (2014) -
R. Jacob, G. Jian, P.M. Guerieri and M.R. Zachariah
Energy Release Pathways in Nanothermites Follow Through the Condensed State
Combustion and Flame, 162 258 (2015) -
C. Huang, G. Jian, J.B. DeLisio, H. Wang and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray Deposition of Energetic Polymer Nanocomposites with High Particle Mass Loadings: A Prelude to the 3-D Printing of Rocket Motors
Advanced Engineering Materials 17, 95 (2015) -
G. Egan, T. LaGrange and M.R. Zachariah
Time Resolved Nanosecond Imaging of Nanoscale Condensed Phase Reaction
J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 2792 (2015) -
G. Young, G. Jian, R. Jacob and M.R. Zachariah
Decomposition and Ignition Characteristics of Titanium Hydride at High Heating Rates
Combustion Science and Technology 187, 1182 (2015) -
G. Young, R. Jacob, M.R. Zachariah
High Pressure Ignition and Combustion of Aluminum Hydride
Combust. Sci. Tech. 187, 1335 (2015) -
G. Young, H. Wang, and M.R Zachariah
Application of Nano-Aluminum/Nitrocellulose Mesoparticles in Composite Solid Rocket Propellants
Propellents, Explosive and Pyrotechnics 40, 413 (2015) -
H. Wang, J. Delisio, G. Jian, W. Zhou and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray Formation and Combustion Characteristics of Iodine-Containing Al/CuO Nanothermite Microparticles
Combustion and Flame 162, 2823 (2015) -
W. Zhou, M. Orr, G. Jian, S. Watt, V.T. Lee and M.R. Zachariah
Inactivation of Bacterial Spores Subjected to Sub-Second Thermal Stress
Chemical Engineering Journal 279, 578 (2015) -
W. Zhou, J. Delisio, X. Li., L. Liu and M.R. Zachariah
Persulfate Salt as an Oxidizer for Biocidal Energetic Nano-Thermites
J. Materials Chem. A. 3, 11838 (2015) -
G. Egan and M.R. Zachariah
Commentary on Heat Transfer Mechanisms Controlling Propagation in Nanothermites
Combustion and Flame 162, 2959 (2015) -
X. Li, P. Guerieri, P. Zhou, W. Huang, M.R. Zachariah
Direct Deposit Laminate Nano-Composites with Enhanced Propellent Properties
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 9103 (2015) -
Y. Zong, R. Jacob, S. Li and M.R. Zachariah
Size Resolved High Temperature Oxidation Kinetics of Nano-Sized Titanium and Zirconium Particles
J. Physical Chem. A 119, 6171 (2015) -
H. Wang, G. Jian, W. Zhou, J. DeLisio, V. Lee, M.R. Zachariah
Metal Iodate-based Energetic Composites and their Combustion and Biocidal Performance
ACS Applied Materials & Interface 7, 17363 (2015) -
D-H. Tsai, F-U Liu, F. Delrio, S. Guga, M.R. Zachariah, F. Zhang, A. Allen, V. Hackley
Orthoginal Analysis of Functional Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407, 8411 ( 2015) -
G. Egan, E. Mily, J-P Maria, M.R. Zachariah
Probing the Reaction Dynamics of Thermite NanoLaminates
J. Physical Chem. C 119, 20401 (2015) -
W. Zhou, D. DeLisio, X. Wang, G. Eagan, M.R. Zachariah
Evaluating Free vs. Bound Oxygen on Ignition of Nano-Aluminum Energetics Leads to a Critical Reaction Rate Criterion
J. Applied Physics 118, 114303 (2015) -
Y. Feng, J. DeLisio, M.R. Zachariah, D. LaVan
Nanocalorimetry coupled Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Identifying evolved species during high rate thermal measurements
Analytical Chemistry 87, 9740 (2015) -
P. Guerieri, S. DeCarlo, B. Eichhorn, T. Connell, R. Yetter, X. Tang, Z. Hicks, K. Bowen, M.R. Zachariah
Molecular Aluminum Additive for Burn Enhancement of Hydrocarbon Fuels
J. Physical Chem. A. 119, 11084 (2015) -
R. Jacob, Y, Zong, Y. Yang, S. Li and M.R. Zachariah
Measurement of Size Resolved Burning of Metal Nanoparticles for Evaluation of Combustion Mechanisms
AIAA SciTech 0687 (2016) -
T. Wu, X. Li, H. Hu, J. Delisio, W. Zhou and M.R. Zachariah
Direct-Deposition to Create High Particle Loadings Propellents with Controlled Architecture: Combustion and Mechanical Properties
AIAA SciTech 0688 (2016) -
R. Jacob, B. Wei, M.R. Zachariah
Quantifying the Enhanced Combustion Characteristice of Electrospray Assembled Aluminum Mesoparticles
Combustion and Flame 163, 281 (2016) -
M.R. Zachariah and G. Egan
Mechanisms and Microphysics of Energy Release Pathways in Nanoenergetic Materials
Chapter 4 p. 65-94 Energetic Nanomaterials, Ed V. Zarko, A Gromov ElSevier (2016) -
W. Zhou, M. Orr, V. T. Lee, M.R. Zachariah
Synergistic Effects of Ultrafast Heating and Gaseous Chlorine on the Neutralization of Bacterial Spores
Chemical Engineering Science, 144, 39 (2016) -
X. Hu adn M.R. Zachariah
On-the fly green synthesis and dispersion of AgI nanoparticles for butt seeding nuclei
J. Nanoparticle. Res. 18, 214 (2016) -
X. Hu, J. DeLisio, X. Li, W, Zhou and M.R. Zachariah
Direct Deposit of Highly Reactive Bi(IO3)3- Polyvinylidene Fluoride Biocidal Energetic Composite and its Reactive Properties
Advanced Engineering Materials DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500532 (2016) -
M. Li, G. Mulholland, and M.R. Zachariah
The Effect of Alignment on the Electrical Mobility of Soot
Aersol Sci. & Tech. 50 1003 (2016) -
I. Monk, M. Schoenitz, R. Jacob, E. Dreizin, M.R. Zachariah
Combustion characteristics of stoichiometric Al-CuO nanocomposite thermites prepared by different methods
Combustion Science and Technology -
DeLisio, X.Hu, T.Wu, G. Egan, G.Young and M.R. Zachariah
Probing the Reaction Mechanism of Aluminum/poly(vinylidene fluoride) Composites
J. Physical Chem. B 120, 5534 (2016) -
Y. Chen, G.Egan, J. Wan, S.Zhu, R. Jacob, W.Zhou, J.i Dai, Y. Wang, V. Danner, Y. Yao, K. Fu, Y. Wang, W. Bao, T.Li, M. R. Zachariah, L. Hu
Ultra-Fast, High Temperature, In situ Self-assembly and Stabilization of Reactive Nanoparticles in Reduced Graphene Oxide Films
Nature Comm. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12332 (2016) -
R. You, J. Radney, M.R. Zachariah, C. Zangmeister
Measured Wavelength-Dependent Absorption Enhancement of Internally Mixed Black Carbon with Absorbing and Non-absorbing Materials
Env. Sci. & Tech. 50, 7982 (2016) -
L.Liu, D. Taylor. E. Rodriguez, M.R. Zachariah
Influence of transition metal electronegativity on the oxygen storage capacity of perovskite oxides
Chem. Comm. 52, 10369 (2016) -
J. Tan, J. Liu, M. Li, V. Hackley and M.R. Zachariah
Electrospray Differential Mobility Hyphenated with Single Particle ICPMS for Characterization of Nanoparticles and their Aggregates.
Analytical Chemistry 88, 8548 (2016) -
J. DeLisio, D Mayo, P Guerieri, R Ives, K Bowen, B Eichhorn and M.R. Zachariah
Oxidation and Decomposition Mechanisms of Air Sensitive Aluminum Clusters at High Heating Rates
Chem. Phys. Lett. 661, 168 (2016) -
G. Mulholland, C. Hagwood, M. Li, and M.R. Zachariah
Effect of particle rotation on the drift velocity for nonspherical aerosol particles
Journal of Aerosol Science 101, 65-76 (2016) -
Y. Zhu, S-H. Choi, X. Fan, J. Shin, Z. Ma, M. R. Zachariah,* J. Choi, C. Wang
Recent Progress on Spray Pyrolysis for High Performance Electrode Materials in Lithium and Sodium Rechargeable Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201601578 (2016) -
G. Egan, K. Sullivan, T. Olson, T. Han, M. Worlsey, M.R. Zachariah
Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Nanoaluminum with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles of Differing Oxidation State
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 29023 (2016) -
A. Head, X. Tang, Z. Hicks, L. Wang, H. Bleuel, S.Holdren, L.Trotochaud, Y. Yu, L. Kyhl, O. Karslıoǧlu,
K. Fears, J.Owrutsky, M. Zachariah, K. Bowen, H. Bluhm
Thermal desorption of dimethyl methylphosphonate from MoO3
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity 3, 112 (2017) -
G. Feng, Z. Li, R. Jacob, Y. Yong, Y.Wang. Z. Zhou, D. Sekulic, M.R. Zachariah
Laser-Induced Exothermic Bonding of Carbon fiber/Al Composites and Ti/Al Alloys
Materials & Design 126, 197 (2017) -
J. Radney, R. You. M.R. Zachariah, C. Zangmeister
Direct in-situ Masss Specific Absorption Spectra of Biomass Burning particles Generated from Smoldering Hard and Softwoods
Env. Sci. Tech. 51, 5622 (2017) -
W. Zhou, J. Delisio, X. Wang, M.R. Zachariah
Reaction mechanisms of potassium oxysalts based energetic composites
Comb. and Flame. 177, 1 ( 2017) -
P. Guerieri, J. DeLisio, and M.R. Zachariah
Nanoaluminum/Nitrocellulose Microparticle Additive for Burn Enhancement of Liquid Fuels
Comb. and Flame 176, 220 (2017) -
T. Wu, A. SyBing, X. Wang and M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol Synthesis of Phase Pure Iodine Oxides/Iodic Acid Biocide Microparticles
Journal of Materials Research 32, 890 (2017) -
X. Wang, T. Wu, M.R. Zachariah
Doped Perovskites to Evaluate the Relationship between Fuel-Oxidizer Thermite Ignition and Bond Energy, Electronegativity and Oxygen Vacancy
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 147 (2017) -
J. Corson, G. Mulholland, M.R. Zachariah
Friction Factor for Aerosol Fractal Aggregates over the Entire Knudson Regime
Physical Review E. 95, 013103 (2017) -
Y. Li, Y. Chen, A. Ni, A.Lu, R. Jacob, T. Gao, JWan, G. Pastel, M.R. Zachariah, R. Yassar, L.Hu
In-situ, Fast, High-Temperature Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles in Reduced Graphene Oxide Matrix
Advanced Engineering Materials 1601783 (2017) -
H. Wang, R. Jacob, J. Delisio
Assembly and Encapsulation of Aluminum NP’s within an AP/NC matrix and their Reactive Properties
Combustion and Flame 180, 175 (2017) -
R. Jacob, Di. L. Ortiz-Montalvo, K. R. Overdeep, T. P. Weihs and M. R. Zachariah
Incomplete Reaction in Nanothermite Composites
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 054307 (2017) -
J. Corson, G.W. Mulholland and M.R. Zachariah
Analytical Expression for the Friction Coefficient of DLCA Aggregates based on Extended Kirkwood-Riseman Theory
Aerosol Science and Technology, 50,766 (2017) -
J. Delisio, F. Yi, D. LeVan, and M.R. Zachariah
High Heating Rate Reaction Dynamics of Al/CuO Nanolaminates by Nanocalorimetry-Coupled Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 2771 (2017) -
X. Wang, W. Zhou, J. DeLisio. G. Egan. M.R. Zachariah
Doped δ-bismuth oxides to investigate oxygen ion transport as a metric for condensed phase thermite ignition
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 12749 (2017) -
X. Li and M.R. Zachariah
Direct Deposit of Fiber Reinforced Energetic Nanocomposites
PEP 42, 1079 (2017) -
T. Wu. P. Zavalij, and M.R. Zachariah
Crystal structure of a new polymorph of iodic acid, δ-HIO3, from powder diffraction
Powder Diffraction , 62, 342 (2017) -
J. Corson, G. Mulholland, and M.R. Zachariah
Calculating the rotational friction coefficient of fractal aerosol particles in the transition regime using extended Kirkwood-Riseman theory
Physical Review E. 96, 013110 (2017) -
Y Chen, S Xu, Y Li, RJ Jacob, Y Kuang, B Liu, Y Wang, L. Salamanaca-Riba, M.R. Zachariah, L. Hu
FeS2 Nanoparticles Embedded in Reduced Graphene Oxide toward Robust, High‐Performance Electrocatalysts
Advanced Energy Materials 7,1700482 (2017) -
Trotochaud, L., Tsyshevsky, R., Holdren, S., Fears, K., Head, A. R., Yu, Y., … M.R. Zachariah
Spectroscopic and Computational Investigation of Room-Temperature Decomposition of a Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant on Polycrystalline Cupric Oxide.
Chemistry of Materials. 29, 7483 (2017) doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b02489 -
Y Yao, F Chen, A Nie, SD Lacey, RJ Jacob, S Xu…M.R. Zachariah
In Situ High Temperature Synthesis of Single-Component Metallic Nanoparticles
ACS Central Science 3 294 (2017) -
Y. Feng, J. DeLisio, N. Nguyen, M.R. Zachariah, D. LaVan
High Heating Rate Decompostion Dynamics of Copper Oxide by Nanocalorimetry-Coupled Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Chem. Phys. Lett. 689, 26 (2017) -
L. Liu, Y. Wu, J. Hu, D. Liu, M.R. Zachariah
Zeolite Supported Iron Oxides as Durable and Selective Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion
Energy & Fuels 31, 11225 (2017) -
J. Corson, G.W. Mulholland, M.R. Zachariah
Analytical Expression for the Rotational Friction Coefficient of DLCA Aggregates over the Entire Knudsen Regime
Aerosol. Sci. Tech. 52, 209 (2018) -
H. Wang, J. DeLisio, S. Holdren, T. Wu, Y. Yang, J. Hu and M.R. Zachariah
Mesoporous Silica Spheres Incorporated Aluminum/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) for Enhanced Burning Propellants
Advanced Engineering Materials 20, 1700547 ( 2018) -
J. Delisio, X. Wang, T. Wu, G. Eagan, R. Jacob and M.R. Zachariah
Investigating the Oxidation Mechanism of Tantalum Nanoparticles at High Heating Rates
Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 245901 (2017) -
G Feng, Z Li, Z Zhou, Y Yang, DP Sekulic, MR Zachariah
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cf/Al-TiAl laser-assisted brazed joint
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 255, 195-203 (2018) -
P. Guerieri, R. Jacob, J. DeLisio, M. Rehwoldt and M. R. Zachariah
Stabilized Microparticle Aggregates of Oxygen-Containing Nanoparticles in Kerosene for Enhanced Droplet Combustion
Combustion & Flame 187, 77 (2018) -
H. Wang, J. DeLisio, T. Wu, X. Wang and M.R. Zachariah
One-Step Solvent-free Mechanochemical Synthesis of Metal Iodate Fine Powders
Powder Technology, 324, 62 (2018) -
T. Wu, X. Wang, J. DeLisio, H. Wang, M.R. Zachariah
Performance of iodine oxides/iodic acids as oxidizers in thermite systems
Combustion and flame 191, 335 (2018) -
Y Yang, M Romano, G Feng, X Wang, T Wu, S Holdren, MR Zachariah
Growth of Sub-5 nm Metal Nanoclusters in Polymer Melt Aerosol Droplets
Langmuir 34 (2), 585 ( 2018) -
T Wu, X Wang, JB DeLisio, S Holdren, MR Zachariah
Carbon addition lowers initiation and iodine release temperatures from iodine oxide-based biocidal energetic materials
Carbon 130 410 (2018) -
C. Zangmeister, R. You, E. Lunny, A Jacobson, M. Okumura, M.R. Zachariah, J. Radney
Measured in-situ Mass Absorption Spectra of nine forms of Highly-Absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosol
Carbon, 136, 85 (2018) -
J. Shen, Z. Qiao, J Wang, G. Yang, J. Chin, Z. Li, X. Liao, H. Wang, M.R. Zachariah
Reaction Mechanism of Al-CuONanothermites with Addition of Multilayer Graphene
Thermochemica Acta 666, 60, (2018) -
J Corson, GW Mulholland, MR Zachariah
The Effect of Electric Field Induced Alignment on the Electrical Mobility of Fractal Aggregates
Aerosol Science and Technology , 1 ( 2018) -
H Wang, JB DeLisio, S Holdren, T Wu, Y Yang, J Hu, MR Zachariah
Mesoporous Silica Spheres Incorporated Aluminum/Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) for Enhanced Burning Propellants
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (2), 1700547 ( 2018) -
Y Li, T Gao, Y Yao, Z Liu, Y Kuang, C Chen, J Song, S,. Xu, E. Hitz, B. Liu, R. Jacob, M.R. ZAchariah, G. Wang, L. Hu
In Situ “Chainmail Catalyst” Assembly in Low‐Tortuosity, Hierarchical Carbon Frameworks for Efficient and Stable Hydrogen Generation
Advanced Energy Materials, 1801289 ( 2018) -
J Tan, TJ Cho, DH Tsai, J Liu, JM Pettibone, R You, VA Hackley, M.R. Zachariah
Surface Modification of Cisplatin-Complexed Gold Nanoparticles and Its Influence on Colloidal Stability, Drug Loading, and Drug Release
Langmuir 34, 154 (2018) -
R. Jacob*, D. Kline*, M.R. Zachariah
High speed 2-dimensional temperature measurements of nanothermite composites: Probing thermal vs. gas generation effects
J. Applied. Physics 123, 115902 (2018) -
X. Wang, J. Rishvi, D. Taylor, E. Rodriguez, and M.R Zachariah
Study of C/Doped δ-Bi2O3 Redox Reactions by In-Operando Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction: Bond Energy/Oxygen Vacancy and Reaction Kinetics Relationships
J. Physical Chemistry C 122, 10792 (2018) -
MC Rehwoldt, Y Yang, H Wang, S Holdren, MR Zachariah
Ignition of Nanoscale Titanium/Potassium Perchlorate Pyrotechnic Powder: Reaction Mechanism Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (20), 10792 ( 2018) -
GW Mulholland, J Corson, MR Zachariah
Aggregate Shape Determination via Light Scattering by Aligned and Randomly Oriented Polydisperse Aggregates
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 219, 37 (2018) -
X Tang, JB DeLisio, S Alnemrat, Z Hicks, L Stevens, CA Stoltz, JP Hooper, B. Eichhorn, M.R. ZAchariah, K. Bowen,. D. Mayo
Mechanistic Studies of [AlCp*]4 Combustion
Inorganic Chemistry (2018) -
H. Wang, D.J. Kline, M. Rehwoldt, M.R. Zachariah
Ignition and Combustion Characterization of Ca(IO3)2-based Thermite Composites with B, Al, and Ti
Prop. Exp. Pyro 43, 977 ( 2018) -
Carbothermal Shock Synthesis of High-Entropy-Alloy Nanoparticles
Y. Yao, Z.Huang, S. Lacey, R. Jacob, Hua Xie, F. Chen, A. Nie, T. Pu, M. Rehwoldt, D. Yu, M.R. Zachariah, C. Wang, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, J Li, L. Hu
Science 359, 1489 ( 2018) COVER OF JOURNAL -
X. Wang, T. Wu, H. Wang, Y. Yang, M.R. Zachariah
Boron Ignition and Combustion with Doped delta-Bi2O3: Bond Energy/Oxygen Vacancy Relationships
Combustion and Flame 197, 127-133 (2018) -
H. Wang, S. Holdren, M.R. Zachariah
Preparation and Combustion of Laminated Iodine Containing Aluminum/Polyvinylidene Fluoride Composites
Combustion and Flame 197, 120-126 (2018) -
X Wang, MR Zachariah
What atomic properties of metal oxide control the reaction threshold of solid elemental fuels?
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (42), 26885 ( 2018) -
J Corson, GW Mulholland, MR Zachariah
Hydrodynamic interactions between aerosol particles in the transition regime
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 535 ( 2018) -
S Holdren, R Tsyshevsky, K Fears, J Owrutsky, T Wu, X Wang, B. Eicchorn, M. Kuklja, M.R. Zachariah
Adsorption and Destruction of the G-Series Nerve Agent Simulant Dimethyl Methylphosphonate on Zinc Oxide
ACS Catalysis 9, 902 ( 2018) -
J Zheng, Y Yang, X Fan, G Ji, X Ji, H Wang, S Hou, M Zachariah, C Wang
Extremely Stable Antimony-carbon Composite Anodes for Potassium-ion Batteries
Energy & Environmental Science 12, 615 (2019) -
H Wang, MC Rehwoldt, X Wang, Y Yang, MR Zachariah
On the promotion of high temperature AP decomposition with silica mesoparticles
Combustion and Flame 200, 296 ( 2019) -
PM Guerieri, RJ Jacob, DJ Kline, A Kerr, D Mayo, EE Foos, MR Zachariah
Triisobutylaluminum additive for liquid hydrocarbon burn enhancement
Combustion and Flame 200, 53 ( 2019) -
H Wang, M Rehwoldt, DJ Kline, T Wu, P Wang, MR Zachariah
Comparison study of the ignition and combustion characteristics of directly-written Al/PVDF, Al/Viton and Al/THV composites
Combustion and Flame 201, 181 ( 2019) -
T Wu, MR Zachariah
Silver ferrite: a superior oxidizer for thermite-driven biocidal nanoenergetic materials
RSC Advances 9 (4), 1831 (2019) -
Y Qiao, S Xu, Y Liu, J Dai, H Xie, Y Yao, X Mu, C Chen, DJ Kline, E Hitz, M.R. Zachariah and L. Hu
Transient, in situ Synthesis of Ultrafine Ruthenium Nanoparticles for a High-rate Li-CO2 Battery
Energy and Environmental Science in press -
J Tan, Y Yang, H El Hadri, M Li, VA Hackley, M R Zachariah
Fast quantification of nanorod geometry by DMA-spICP-MS
Analyst 144, 2275 (2019) -
Y Wu, S Holdren, Y Zhang, SC Oh, DT Tran, L Emdadi, Z Lu, M Wang, T. Worhl, M.R. Zachariah, D. Liu
Quantification of rhenium oxide dispersion on zeolite: Effect of zeolite acidity and mesoporosity
Journal of Catalysis 372, 128-141 (2019) -
RJ Jacob, KJ Hill, Y Yang, ML Pantoya, MR Zachariah
Pre-stressing aluminum nanoparticles as a strategy to enhance reactivity of nanothermite composites
Combustion and Flame 205, 33-40 (2019) -
Y Yang, P Ghildiyal, MR Zachariah
Thermal Shock Synthesis of Metal Nanoclusters within On-the-fly Graphene Particles
Langmuir 35, 3413 (2019) -
H Wang, D Kline, M Rehwoldt, T Wu, W Zhao, X Wang, MR Zachariah
Architecture can significantly alter the energy release rate from nanocomposite Energetics
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 1, 982 (2019) -
H. Wang, J. Shen, D.J. Kline, N. Eckman, N. Agrawal, T. Wu, P. Wang, M.R. Zachariah
Direct-Writing of 90-Weight Percent Particle Loading Nanothermite
Advanced Materials 1806575 (2019) -
W. Gibbons, S. Holdren, J. Hu, B. Eichhorn, M.R. Zachariah
Fixed Feed Temperature Programmed Modulation (FFTPM), A Quantitative Methods to Obtain Thermophysical Physisorption Parameter: Application to CWA Absorbents
Journal of Physical Chemistry 123, 12694 (2019) -
J Xu, Y Shen, C Wang, J Dai, Y Tai, Y Ye, R Shen, H Wang, MR Zachariah
Controlling the energetic characteristics of micro energy storage device by in situ deposition Al/MoO3 nanolaminates with varying internal structure
Chemical Engineering Journal 373, 345 (2019) -
KJ Duelge, J Parot, VA Hackley, MR Zachariah
Quantification Protein Aggregation Kinetics using Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 112845 (2019) -
S Xu, G Zhong, C Chen, M Zhou, DJ Kline, RJ Jacob, H Xie, S He, Z. Huang, J. Dai, A. Brozena, R. S-Yasser, M.R. Zachariah, L. Hu
Uniform, Scalable, High-Temperature Microwave Shock for Nanoparticle Synthesis through Defect Engineering
Matter 1, 759 (2019) -
Y Yao, Z Huang, P Xie, L Wu, L Ma, T Li, Z Pang, M Jiao, Z Liang, J Gao, Y. He, D. Kline, M.R. Zachariah, C. Wang, J. Lu, T. Wu, T. Li, C. R. S-Yasser, L. Hu
High temperature shockwave stabilized single atoms
Nature Nanotechnology 14, 851 (2019) -
Y Yao, Z Huang, P Xie, T Li, SD Lacey, M Jiao, H Xie, KK Fu, RJ Jacob, D. Kline, Y. Yang, M.R. Zachariah, C. Wang, R. S-Yasser, L. Hu
Ultrafast, Controllable Synthesis of Sub-Nano Metallic Clusters through Defect Engineering
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2019) -
G Luo, X Wang, MR Zachariah, R Mishra
Ignition Threshold of Perovskite-Based Oxides for Solid Fuel Oxidation From First-Principles Calculations
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019) -
Y Wu, S Holdren, Y Zhang, SC Oh, DT Tran, L Emdadi, Z Lu, M Wang, T. Woehl, M.R. Zachariah, Y. Lie, D. Liu
Vapor-Phase Strategy to Pillaring of Two-Dimensional Zeolite
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2019) -
Y Wu, S Holdren, Y Zhang, SC Oh, DT Tran, L Emdadi, Z Lu, M Wang, T. Woehl, M.R. Zachariah, Y. Lie, D. Liu
Quantification of rhenium oxide dispersion on zeolite: Effect of zeolite acidity and mesoporosity
Journal of Catalysis 372 128 (2019) -
Y Chen, S Xu, S Zhu, RJ Jacob, G Pastel, Y Wang, Y Li, J Dai, F Chen, H. Xie, B. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Salamanca-Riba, M.R Zachariah, T. Li, L. Hu
Millisecond synthesis of CoS nanoparticles for highly efficient overall water splitting
Nano Reseach 1-9 (2019) -
P Ghildiyal, Y Yang, DJ Kline, S Holdren, M.R. Zachariah
Ultrafast, Scalable Laser Photothermal Synthesis and Writing of Uniformly-Dispersed Metal Nanoclusters in Polymer Films
Nanoscale 11, 13354 (2019) -
H Wang*, DJ Kline*, MR Zachariah
In-operando high-speed microscopy and thermometry of reaction propagation and sintering in a nanocomposite
Nature Communications 10, 3032 (2019) -
DJ Kline, MC Rehwoldt, H Wang, NE Eckman, MR Zachariah
Why does adding a poor thermal conductor increase propagation rate in solid propellants?
Applied Physics Letters 115, 114101 (2019) -
G Zhong, S Xu, C Chen, DJ Kline, M Giroux, Y Pei, M Jiao, D Liu, R Mi, H Xie, B Yang, C Wang, MR Zachariah, L Hu
Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles by rapid, high-temperature 3D microwave heating
Advanced Functional Materials 1904282 (2019) -
PM Guerieri, RJ Jacob, H Wang, DJ Kline, MR Zachariah
Droplet combustion of kerosene augmented by stabilized nanoaluminum/oxidizer composite mesoparticle
Combustion and Flame 211, 1-7 (2020) -
M. Rehwoldt. H. Wang, D. Kline, T. Wu, N. Eckman, P. Wang, N. Agrawal, M.R. Zachariah
Ignition and combustion analysis of direct write fabricated aluminum/metal oxide/PVDF films
Combustion and Flame 211, 260 ( 2020) -
X. Wang, Z. Huang, Y. Yao, H. Qiao, G. Zong, Y. Pei, D Kline, Q. Xia, J. Dai, M.R. Zachariah, R. Shahbazina-Yasser, L. Hu
Continuous 2000 K droplet-to-particle synthesis
Materials Today in press ( 2020) -
K. Dulge, J. Parot, V. Hackley, M.R. Zachariah
Quantifying protein aggregation kinetics using electrospray differential mobility analysis
J. Pharm. and Biomed Analysis 177, 112845 ( 2020) -
Y. Jiang, S. Deng, S. Wong, H Chen, R. Kalia, A. Nakano, P. Vashishta, M.R. Zachariah, X, Zheng
Synergistically Chemical and Thermal Coupling between Graphene Oxide and Graphene Fluoride for Enhancing Aluminum Combustion
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces in press -
W. Zhao, X. Wang, H., Wang, T. Wu, D. Kline, M. Rehwoldt, H Ren, M.R. Zachariah
Titanium enhanced ignition and combustion of Al/I2O5 mesoparticle composites
Combustion and Flame 212, 245 ( 2020) -
Y. Yang, Y. Yao, D. Kline, T. Li, P. Ghildiyal, H. Wang, L. Hu, M.R Zachariah
Rapid Laser-Pulse Synthesis of Supported Metal Nanoclusters with Kinetically Tunable Size and Surface Density for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
ACS Applied Nano Materials in press (2020) -
J. Shen, H. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Wang, M. Rehwoldt, T. Wu, S. Holdren, M.R. Zachariah
Combustion of 3D printed 90wt% loading reinforced nanothermite
Combust. Flame. 215, 86 (2020) -
A. Wang, S. Bok, C. Mathai, R. Thiruvengadathan, C. Darr, H. Chen, M.R. Zachariah, K. Gangopadhyay, J. McFarland, M. Maschmann, S. Gangopadhyay
Synthesis, characterization and nanoenergetic utilizations of fluorine, oxygen co-functionalized graphene by one-step XeF2 exposure
Combustion and Flame, 215, 324 ( 2020) -
D. Kline*, M. Rehwoldt*, C. Turner, P. Biswas, G. Mulholland, M.R. Zachariah
Spatially Focused Microwave Ignition of Metallized Energetic Materials
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 055901 (2020) -
D. Kline*, Z. Alibay*, M. Rehwoldt, A. Idrago-Lam, S. Hamilton, P. Biswas, X. Fu, M.R. Zachariah
Experimental observation of the heat transfer mechanisms that drive propagation in additively manufactured energetic materials
Combustion and Flame, 215, 417 (2020) -
G. Young, D. Wilson, M. Kessler, J. DeLisio, M.R. Zachariah
Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Al/RDX/NC Nanostructured Microparticles
Comb. Sci. Tech. 1-17 (2020) -
Y. Yang, B. Song, X. Xe, F Xu, K. Bozhilov, L. Hu, R Shahbazian-Yassar, M.R. Zachariah
Aerosol synthesis of high entropy alloy nanoparticles
Langmuir 36, 8 (2020) -
P. Biswas, G. Mulholland, M.R Zachariah
Microwave absorption by small dielectric and semi-conductor coated metal particles
J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 247, 106938 (2020) -
M. Wu, M. Cui, L. Wu, S. Hwang, C. Yang, Q. Xia, G. Zhong, H. Qiao, W. Gan, X. Wang, D.J. Kline, M.R. Zachariah, D. Su, T. Li, L. Hu
Hierarchical Polyelemental Nanoparticles as Bifunctional Catalysts for Oxygen Evolution and Reduction Reactions
Adv. Energy Mater. 2001119 (2020) -
G. Zhong, C. Wang, R. Wang, W. Ping, S. Xu, H. Qiao, M. Cui, X. Wang, Y. Zhou, D.J. Kline, M.R. Zachariah, L. Hu
Rapid, high-temperature microwave soldering toward a high-performance cathode/electrolyte interface
Energy Storage Mater. 30, 385-391 (2020) -
H. Wang, B. Julien, D.J. Kline, Z. Alibay, M.C. Rehwoldt, C. Rossi, M.R. Zachariah
Probing the Reaction Zone of Nanolaminates at ∼μs Time and ∼μm Spatial Resolution
J. Phys. Chem. C. 124, 13679-13687 (2020) -
W. Zhao, H. Ren, T. Yan, Y. Ou, Q. Jiao, H. Wang, D.J. Kline, M.R. Zachariah
Tailoring energy release of nano-Si based thermites via incorporation of Ti nanoparticles
Chem. Eng. J. 396, 124559 (2020) -
H. Xie, M. Hong, E.M. Hitz, X. Wang, M. Cui, D.J. Kline, M.R. Zachariah, L. Hu
High-Temperature Pulse Method for Nanoparticle Redispersion
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2020) -
B. Song, Y. Yang, M. Rabbani, T. Yang, K. He, X. Hu, Y. Yuan, P. Ghildiyal, V.P. Dravid, M.R. Zachariah, W.A. Saidi, Y. Liu, R. Shahbazia-Yassar
In situ oxidation studies of high-entropy alloy nanoparticles
ACS Nano 14, 11, 15131-15143 (2020) -
M.C. Rehwoldt*, D.J. Kline*, M.R. Zachariah
Numerically evaluating energetic composite flame propagation with thermally conductive, high aspect ratio fillers
Chem. Eng. Sci. 229, 116087 (2021). Featured cover article. - Pankaj Ghildiyal,* Xiang Ke,* Prithwish Biswas, Giorgio Nava, Joseph Schwan, Feiyu Xu, Dylan J. Kline, Haiyang Wang, Lorenzo Mangolini,* and Michael R. Zachariah
Silicon Nanoparticles for the Reactivity and Energetic Density Enhancement of Energetic-Biocidal Mesoparticle Composites
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2020) - Prithwish Biswas, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Geroge W. Mulholland, and Michael R. Zachariah
Modelling and simulation of field directed linear assembly of aerosol particles
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2021) - Dylan J. Kline, Miles C. Rehwoldt, Jeffery B. DeLisio, Sara C. Barron, Haiyang Wang, Zaira Alibay, Juan C. Rodriguez, Gregory M. Fritz, and Michael R. Zachariah
In-operando thermophysical properties and kinetics measurements of Al-Zr-C composites
Combustion and Flame (2021) - Baptiste Julien, Haiyang Wang, Emilian Tichtchenko, Sylvain Pelloquin, Alain Esteve, Michael R. Zachariah, and Carole Rossi
Elucidating the dominant mechanisms in burn rate increase of thermite nanolaminates incorporating nanoparticle inclusions
Nanotechnology, Volume 32, Number 21 (2021) - Feiyu Xu, Prithwish Biswas, Giorgio Nava, Joseph Schwan, Dylan J. Kline, Miles C. Rehwoldt, Lorenzo Mangolini, and Michael R. Zachariah
Tuning the reactivity and energy release rate of I2O5 based ternary thermite systems
Combustion and Flame 228 (2021) - Bao Song, Yong Yang, Tomthy T. Yang, Kun He, Xiaobing Hu, Yifei Yuan, Vinayak P. Dravid, Michael R. Zachariah, Wissam A. Saidi, Yuzi Liu, and Reza Shahbazian-Yassar
Revealing High-Temperature Reduction Dynamics of High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles via In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
ACS Nano Letters (2021) - Zaira Alibay, Dylan J. Kline, Miles C. Rehwoldt, Prithwish Biswas, Steven Herrera, Haiyang Wang, and Michael R. Zachariah
Mechanism of microwave-initiated ignition of sensitized energetic nanocomposites
Chemical Engineering Journal 415 (2021) - Zhiqiang Liang, Yonggang Yao, Bo Jiang, Xizheng Wang, Hua Xie, Miaolun Jiao, Chu Liang, Haiyu Qiao, Dylan Kline, Michael R. Zachariah, and Liangbing Hu
3D Printed Graphene-Based 3000 K Probe
Advanced Functional Materials (2021) - Hua Xie, Yifan Liu, Na Li, Boyang Li, Dylan J. Kline, Yonggang Yao, Michael R. Zachariah, Guofeng Wang, Dong Su, Chao Wang, and Liangbing Hu
High-temperature-pulse synthesis of ultrathin-graphene-coated metal nanoparticles
Nano Energy (2021) - Haiyang Wang, Dylan J. Kline, Miles C. Rehwoldt, and Michael R. Zachariah
Carbon Fibers Enhance the Propagation of High Loading Nanothermites: In Situ Observation of Microscopic Combustion
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021) - Feiyu Xu, Benjamin Hirt, Prithwish Biswas, Dylan J. Kline, Yong Yang, Haiyang Wang, Alp Sehirlioglu, and Michael R. Zachariah
Superior reactivity of ferroelectric Bi2WO6/aluminum metastable intermolecular composite
Chemical Engineering Science (2021) - Haiyang Wang, Dylan J. Kline, Prithwish Biswas, and Michael R. Zachariah
Connecting agglomeration and burn rate in a thermite reaction: Role of oxidizer morphology
Combustion and Flame (2021) - Tianyu Li, Roman Tsyshevsky, Lucas Algrim, Monica McEntee, Erin M Durke, Bryan Eichhorn, Christopher Karwacki, Michael R Zachariah, Maija M Kuklja, Efrain E Rodriguez
Understanding Dimethyl Methylphosphonate Adsorption and Decomposition on Mesoporous CeO2
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021) - Prithwish Biswas, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Hyuna Kwon, Haiyang Wang, Zaira Alibay, Feiyu Xu, Yujie Wang, Bryan M Wong, Michael R Zachariah
Rerouting Pathways of Solid-State Ammonia Borane Energy Release
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021) - Haiyang Wang, Prithwish Biswas, Dylan J Kline, Michael R Zachariah
Flame stand-off effects on propagation of 3D printed 94 wt.% nanosized pyrolants loading composites
Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) - Feiyu Xu, Giorgio Nava, Prithwish Biswas, Isabelle Dulalia, Haiyang Wang, Zaira Alibay, Mark Gale, Dylan J Kline, Brandon Wagner, Lorenzo Mangolini, Michael R Zachariah
Energetic characteristics of hydrogenated amorphous silicon nanoparticles
Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) - Wanjun Zhao, Haiyang Wang, Dylan J Kline, Xizheng Wang, Tao Wu, Jianbing Xu, Hui Ren, Michael R Zachariah
Influence of Titanium Addition on Performance of Boron-based Thermites
Chemical Engineering Journal (2022) - Pankaj Ghildiyal, Prithwish Biswas, Steven Herrera, Feiyu Xu, Zaira Alibay, Yujie Wang, Haiyang Wang, Reza Abbaschian, Michael R Zachariah
Vaporization-Controlled Energy Release Mechanisms Underlying the Exceptional Reactivity of Magnesium Nanoparticles
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (15), 17164-17174 (2022) - Pankaj Ghildiyal, Prithwish Biswas, Steven Herrera, George W Mulholland, Yong Yang, Reza Abbaschian, Michael R Zachariah
Magnetic-Field Directed Vapor-Phase Assembly of Low Fractal Dimension Metal Nanostructures: Experiment and Theory
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (16), 4085-4091 (2021) - H Wang, P Biswas, MR Zachariah
Direct Imaging and Simulation of the Interface Reaction of Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Laminates
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) - Zaira Alibay, Daniel Olsen, Prithwish Biswas, Cody England, Feiyu Xu, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Min Zhou, Michael R Zachariah
Microwave Stimulation of Energetic Al-Based Nanoparticle Composites for Ignition Modulation
ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (2), 2460-2469 (2022) -
Miles C Rehwoldt, Yujie Wang, Feiyu Xu, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah
High-Temperature Interactions of Metal Oxides and a PVDF Binder
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (7), 8938-8946 (2022) -
Tao Wu, Baptiste Julien, Haiyang Wang, Sylvain Pelloquin, Alain Estève, Michael R Zachariah, Carole Rossi
Engineered porosity-induced burn rate enhancement in dense Al/CuO nanothermites
ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (3), 3189-3198 (2022) -
Feiyu Xu, Prithwish Biswas, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah
Inducing Oxygen Vacancies to Modulate Ignition Threshold of Nanothermites
Energy & Fuels, ACS (2022) -
Prithwish Biswas, Feiyu Xu, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah
In-Situ Thermochemical Shock-Induced Stress at the Metal/Oxide Interface Enhances Reactivity of Aluminum Nanoparticles
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2022) -
Abhijit H Phakatkar, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah, Tolou Shokuhfar, Reza Shahbazian-Yassar
In-Situ TEM Studies on Nanoparticle Interactions with Bacterial Cells
Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (S1), 1104-1106 (2022) -
Kaleb J Duelge, George W Mulholland, Antonio R Montoro Bustos, Michael R Zachariah, John M Pettibone
Improved accuracy for calibrated mass distribution measurements of bimetallic nanoparticles
Journal of Aerosol Science 165, 106031 (2022) -
Haiyang Wang, Yujie Wang, Mayank Garg, Jeffrey S Moore, Michael R Zachariah
Unzipping polymers significantly enhance energy flux of aluminized composites
Combustion and Flame 244, 112242 (2022) -
Yujie Wang, Haiyang Wang, Feiyu Xu, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah
Effect of alkali metal perchlorate and iodate type on boron ignition: The role of oxidizer phase change
Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 136786 (2022) -
Yue Jiang, Yujie Wang, Jihyun Baek, Haiyang Wang, Jennifer L Gottfried, Chi-Chin Wu, Xinjian Shi, Michael R Zachariah, Xiaolin Zheng
Ignition and combustion of Perfluoroalkyl-functionalized aluminum nanoparticles and nanothermite
Combustion and Flame 242, 112170 (2022) -
Haiyang Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Engineering Particle Agglomerate and Flame Propagation in 3D ‐printed Al/ CuO Nanocomposites
Propellants and Explosives (2023) -
Yue Jiang, Haiyang Wang, Jihyun Baek, Dongwon Ka, Andy Huu Huynh, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah, Xiaolin Zheng
Perfluoroalkyl-Functionalized Graphene Oxide as a Multifunctional Additive for Promoting the Energetic Performance of Aluminum
ACS nano 16 (9), 14658-14665 (2022) -
Tianyu Li, Lucas Algrim, Monica McEntee, Roman Tsyshevsky, Matthew Leonard, Erin M Durke, Christopher Karwacki, Maija M Kuklja, Michael R Zachariah, Efrain E Rodriguez
Aliovalent-Doping Effects on the Surface Activity of Mesoporous CeO2 toward Nerve Agent Simulant DMMP Decomposition
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (42), 17923-17934 (2022) -
Kaleb Duelge, George Mulholland, Michael Zachariah, Vincent A Hackley
Accurate nanoparticle size determination using electrical mobility measurements in the step and scan modes
Aerosol Science and Technology 56 (12), 1096-1113 (2022) -
Brandon Wagner, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Prithwish Biswas, Mahbub Chowdhury, Michael R Zachariah, Lorenzo Mangolini
In‐Flight Synthesis of Core–Shell Mg/Si–SiOx Particles with Greatly Reduced Ignition Temperature
Advanced Functional Materials, 2212805 (2023) -
Haiyang Wang, Yue Jiang, Yujie Wang, Dylan J Kline, Xiaolin Zheng, Michael R Zachariah
Do we need perfect mixing between fuel and oxidizer to maximize the energy release rate of energetic nanocomposites?
Applied Physics Letters 122 (1), 011901 (2023) -
Pankaj Ghildiyal, Feiyu Xu, Alex Rojas, Yujie Wang, Mahbub Chowdhury, Prithwish Biswas, Steven Herrera, Reza Abbaschian, Michael R Zachariah
Magnesium-Enhanced Reactivity of Boron Particles: Role of Mg/B2O3Exothermic Surface Reactions
Energy & Fuels 37 (4), 3272-3279 (2023) -
Prithwish Biswas, Yujie Wang, Steven Herrera, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah
Catalytic Cleavage of the Dative Bond of Ammonia Borane by Polymeric Carbonyl Groups for Enhanced Energy Generation
Chemistry of Materials 35 (3), 954-963 (2023) -
Haiyang Wang, Erik Hagen, Keren Shi, Steven Herrera, Feiyu Xu, Michael R Zachariah
Carbon fibers as additives to engineer agglomeration and propagation of aluminized propellants
Chemical Engineering Journal 460, 141653 (2023) -
Abhijit H Phakatkar, Vitaliy Yurkiv, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Yujie Wang, Azadeh Amiri, Lioudmila V Sorokina, Michael R Zachariah, Tolou Shokuhfar, Reza Shahbazian-Yassar
In Situ Microscopic Studies on the Interaction of Multi-Principal Element Nanoparticles and Bacteria
ACS nano (2023) -
Elliot R Wainwright, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Catherine Dillier, Michael R Zachariah, Jennifer L Gottfried
Energy Release of Nanothermite Reactive Materials under Nanosecond and Milisecond Laser Initiation
ARL-TR-9664 (2023) -
Feiyu Xu, Brandon Wagner, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Lorenzo Mangolini, Michael R Zachariah
Low temperature oxidation of amorphous silicon nanoparticles
Physical Review Materials 7 (4), 045403 (2023) -
Alfred J Baca, Michael D Garrison, Lidia Kuo, Feiyu Xu, Lawrence C Baldwin, Alexander S Hyla, Michael R Zachariah, Mark C Hersam
Enhanced Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate–Ethyl Cellulose–Molybdenum Disulfide Nanocomposites
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023) -
Yujie Wang, Erik Hagen, Prithwish Biswas, Haiyang Wang, MR Zachariah
Imaging the combustion characteristics of Al, B, and Ti composites
Combustion and Flame 252, 112747 (2023) -
Keren Shi, Yujie Wang, Feiyu Xu, MR Zachariah
Remote Microwave Heating and Ignition with an Embedded Receiving Antenna within Nanocomposites
Chemical Engineering Science, 118948 (2023) -
Mahbub Chowdhury, Pankaj Ghildiyal, A Rojas, Y Wang, H Wang, MR Zachariah
High-yield spray drying assembly and reactive properties of nanoenergetic mesoparticle composites Advanced Powder Technology 34 (7), 104075 (2023) -
P Biswas, Y Wang, E Hagen, MR Zachariah
Electrochemical Modulation of the Flammability of Ionic Liquid Fuels
Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (30), 16318-16323 (2023) -
Prithwish Biswas, C Huy Pham, Michael R Zachariah
Magnesium-Induced Strain and Immobilized Radical Generation on the Boron Oxide Surface Enhances the Oxidation Rate of Boron Particles: A DFTB-MD Study
Langmuir (2023) -
Vidushi Singh, Tao Wu, Erik Hagen, Ludovic Salvagnac, Christophe Tenailleau, Alain Estève, Michael R Zachariah, Carole Rossi
How positioning of a hard ceramic TiB2 layer in Al/CuO multilayers can regulate the overall energy release behavior
Fuel 349, 128599 (2023) -
Brandon Wagner, Minseok Kim, Mahbub Chowdhury, Emmanuel Vidales Pasos, Kimberly Hizon, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Michael R Zachariah, Lorenzo Mangolini
Enhancing the Combustion of Magnesium Nanoparticles via Low-Temperature Plasma-Induced Hydrogenation
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (44), 51639-51649 (2023) -
Tao Wu, Erik Hagen, Haiyang Wang, Dylan J Kline, Michael R Zachariah, Carole Rossi
Achieving superior ignition and combustion performance of Al/I2O5 biocidal nanoenergetic materials by CuO addition
Combustion and Flame 259, 113190 (2024) -
Harrison Autry, Bradley Gobin, Ryan Marks, Gregory Young, Afrida Anis, Prithwish Biswas, Keren Shi, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Impact of Ammonium Perchlorate Content on Electrically Controlled Gel Polymer Electrolyte Monopropellants
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 1-9 (2024) -
George W Mulholland, Kaleb J Duelge, Vincent A Hackley, Natalia Farkas, John A Kramar, Michael R Zachariah, Keiji Takahata, Hiromu Sakurai, Kensei Ehara
Measurement of 100 nm monodisperse particles by four Accurate methods: Traceability and uncertainty
Aerosol Science and Technology, 1-11 (2024) -
Haiyang Wang, Yue Jiang, Yujie Wang, Jihyun Baek, Xiaolin Zheng, Michael R Zachariah
Enhanced energy delivery of direct-write fabricated reactive materials with energetic graphene oxide
Combustion and Flame 260, 113095 (2024) -
Haiyang Wang, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Observing coalescence of aluminum nanoparticles during burning using aluminum/ammonia perchlorate sandwiched films
Combustion and Flame 260, 113117 (2024) -
Yujie Wang, Keren Shi, George Issac Paul, Prithwish Biswas, Michael R Zachariah
Combustion behavior of aluminized metal iodate composites. Part 1: Decomposition mechanism of metal iodates
Combustion and Flame 262, 113372 (2024) -
Yujie Wang, George Issac Paul, Erik Hagen, Haiyang Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Combustion behavior of aluminized metal iodate composites. Part 2: Iodine and energy release rate
Combustion and Flame 262, 113373 (2024) -
Yuxin Zhou, Michael R Zachariah
Molecular Dynamics Study on the Capture of Aluminum Particles by Carbon Fibers during the Propagation of Aluminum-Based Energetics
Energy & Fuels 38 (10), 8992-9000 (2024) -
Ashvin Kumar Vasudevan, Yujie Wang, Prithwish Biswas, Keren Shi, Michael Zachariah
Controlled Release of Diborane from Alkali Metal Borohydride using Ionic Liquid‐Based Lewis Acids
Angewandte Chemie, e202401743 (2024) -
Keren Shi, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Microwave antenna focusing for spatially resolved modulation of burn rate
Chemical Engineering Journal 492, 152192 (2024) -
Yujie Wang, Feiyu Xu, George Issac Paul, Emmanuel Vidales Pasos, Keren Shi, Brandon Wagner, Lorenzo Mangolini, Michael R Zachariah
Role of Surface Tension on Heat Feedback and Power from Energetic Composites
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (32), 42100-42108 (2024) -
Yujie Wang, Mahbub Chowdhury, Yuxin Zhou, George Issac Paul, Keren Shi, Michael R Zachariah
Oscillating‐to‐Continuous Combustion Transition in Mesoparticle Composites Through Manipulation of Heat Feedback
Advanced Functional Materials 34 (42), 2406722 (2024) -
Brandon Wagner, Pankaj Ghildiyal, Mahbub Chowdhury, Minseok Kim, Michael Zachariah, Lorenzo Mangolini
Tailoring Magnesium Nanoparticles In-Flight via Nonthermal Plasma for Enhanced Ignition
Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2024) -
Keren Shi, Yujie Wang, George Issac Paul, Michael R Zachariah
The influence of heat feedback and thermal conductivity on the burn rate of thermite composites
Combustion and Flame 269, 113593 (2024) -
Emmanuel Vidales Pasos, Brandon Wagner, Feiyu Xu, Yujie Wang, Minseok Kim, Michael Zachariah, Lorenzo Mangolini
Enhancing the combustion of silicon nanoparticles via plasma-assisted fluorocarbon surface modification
Chemical Engineering Journal 500, 156997 (2024) -
Keren Shi, Megan Bokhoor, Yujie Wang, Timothy P Weihs, Michael R Zachariah
Propagation rate and product modulation in SHS reactions via focused microwave heating
Chemical Engineering Science 302, 120794 (2024) -
Yuxin Zhou, Keren Shi, Mahbub Chowdhury, Erik Hagen, Yujie Wang, Michael R Zachariah
Direct microscopic imaging of exploding aluminum/nitrocellulose mesoparticles to reveal the enhanced combustion mechanism
Fuel 387, 134348 (2025) -
Yujie Wang, George Issac Paul, & Michael R. Zachariah
International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion 24(3):1–9 (2025)
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US Patent 9,492,870 (2016) - MR Zachariah, M Li, GW Mulholland
Pulsed-field differential mobility analyzer system for separating particles and measuring shape parameters for non-spherical particles
US Patent No. 9,677,984, (2017)